RFC 2047 defines
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?B?zvLi5fI6ICAgICAgTVBMQUIzLjQw?= Subject: =?iso-8859-1?B?zvLi5fI6ICAgICAgUElDcyBhbmQgYmF0dGVyeS1iYWNrdXAgU1 JBTQ==?= Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=CE=F2=E2=E5=F2:______Re:_PCB_AutoRouting_=28is_it _smart_w?= ay ? / really Dumb ) Subject: Re: [PIC]: RSA =?iso-8859-1?Q?encryption=B7=B7?= Subject: [PICLIST] =?Iso-8859-1?Q?[ot]:_Strain_Gauges=3F?= Subject: [PICLIST] =?iso-8859-1?Q?_Re:_=5BPIC=5D:_RSA_encryption=B7=B7?= Subject: [PICLIST] =?iso-8859-1?Q?=5BEE=5D:TV_&_video_IC=B4s_!!?= Subject: [PICLIST] =?iso-8859-1?Q?=5BOT=5D:Scales_&_balances=B7?=
see also:
sample code:
iso8859.pl/* ** RFC 2047 defines MIME extensions for mail headers. ** ** This function decodes that into binary/8bit data. ** ** Example: ** =?iso-8859-1?q?I'm_called_?= =?iso-8859-1?q?Daniel?= ** ** Should result in "I'm called Daniel", but: ** ** =?iso-8859-1?q?I'm_called?= Daniel ** ** Should result in "I'm called Daniel" too. ** ** Returns the newly allcated string, or the previous if nothing changed */ static char *mdecodeRFC2047(char *string, int length) { char *iptr = string; char *oldptr; char *storage = (char *)emalloc(length + 1); char *output = storage; char charset[129]; char encoding[33]; char blurb[129]; char equal; int value; char didanything = FALSE; while (*iptr) { if (!strncmp(iptr, "=?", 2) && (3 == sscanf(iptr + 2, "%128[^?]?%32[^?]?%128[^ ]", charset, encoding, blurb))) { /* This is a full, valid 'encoded-word'. Decode! */ char *ptr = blurb; ptr = strstr(blurb, "?="); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; } else { *output++ = *iptr++; /* it wasn't a real encoded-word */ continue; } ptr = blurb; didanything = TRUE; /* yes, we decode something */ /* we could've done this with a %n in the sscanf, but we know all sscanfs don't grok that */ iptr += 2 + strlen(charset) + 1 + strlen(encoding) + 1 + strlen(blurb) + 2; if (!strcasecmp("q", encoding)) { /* quoted printable decoding */ for (; *ptr; ptr++) { switch (*ptr) { case '=': sscanf(ptr + 1, "%02X", &value); *output++ = value; ptr += 2; break; case '_': *output++ = ' '; break; default: *output++ = *ptr; break; } } } else if (!strcasecmp("b", encoding)) { /* base64 decoding */ int len; base64Decode(ptr, output, &len); output += len - 1; } else { /* unsupported encoding type */ strcpy(output, "<unknown>"); output += 9; } oldptr = iptr; /* save start position */ while (*iptr && isspace(*iptr)) iptr++; /* pass all whitespaces */ /* if this is an encoded word here, we should skip the passed whitespaces. If it isn't an encoded-word, we should include the whitespaces in the output. */ if (!strncmp(iptr, "=?", 2) && (4 == sscanf(iptr + 2, "%128[^?]?%32[^?]?%128[^?]?%c", charset, encoding, blurb, &equal)) && ('=' == equal)) { continue; /* this IS an encoded-word, continue from here */ } else /* this IS NOT an encoded-word, move back to the first whitespace */ iptr = oldptr; } else *output++ = *iptr++; } *output = 0; if (didanything) { /* this check prevents unneccessary strsav() calls if not needed */ free(string); /* free old memory */ #if DEBUG_PARSE /* debug display */ printf("NEW: %s\n", storage); { unsigned char *f; puts("NEW:"); for (f = storage; f < output; f++) { if (isgraph(*f)) printf("%c", *f); else printf("%02X", (unsigned char)*f); } puts(""); } #endif return storage; /* return new */ } else { free(storage); return string; } }