mailing list support to Inetserv (I'm unsure if it really works well) requires RelaySupport beeing activated.

# simply list
subject_prefix=[techref list]
# The address should be a forward to a real
# existing address.
# Maxmimum size in bytes:
# Remove this line if you dont like to let the people reply to the list
# below we add users, line by line with full domain name


. The actual mail list must be an alias. You need to set up a new user, or use an existing user if you would like, but all the mail list emails will go to that user so keep that in mind. Once you have a user designated, create an alias with the name that you want your mail list to use. For instance, you can create the user mlist, and make an alias 'rcclub' and direct it to mlist. Once this is done, you need to create a file in the \lists subdirectory. It needs to be the name of your mail list with .lst as the extender. rcclub.lst would be the name that I would use. There is a sample .lst file, but the first couple of lines just confused me at first. I will post one here with all that you need.

# This will show up in the subject line 
subject_prefix=[RC Aerobatics Club Mail List] 
# The address 
# should be a forward to a real 
# existing address. 
# Maxmimum size in bytes: 
# Remove this line if you dont like to let the 
# people reply to the list 
# below we add users, line by line with full 
domain name 

Just be careful at the end of the file, and don't leave a bunch of blank lines. The program needs to check for blank lines, but doesn't right now, and will try and send an email to <>.