IPOSS Field Name
IPOSS can automatically fill-in many of the fields on it form, if you have already gathered the information prior to sending the customer to IPOSS. You will just need to send this information to IPOSS in the fields named below. IPOSS can also return many of the fields back to a script on your site using the 'POST' method described in the Purchase Site Set-up. The first list below are the names of the fields that can be submitted to IPOSS and the second list is the field names that can be returned by IPOSS to a script on your site.
Below is a list of all the fields that can be submitted to IPOSS:
account - The account name supplied by MerchantOnline
mode - Should be set to "remote" if the user will enter cc and other sensitive information on MerchantOnline secure server. Set to "local" if all information will be supplied from the form via https.
ALIAS - Allows an ALIAS name (i.e. the name of your Website) to appear on the customer's receipt
firstname - The customer's First Name
lastname - The customer's Last Name
email - The Customer's E-mail address
username - The User ID selected by the customer
password - The Password selected by the customer
address1 - The customer's street address line #1
address2 - The customer's street address line #2
city - The customer's City
state - The customer's State
zip - The customer's Zip/Postal Code
cardtype - Type of credit card used
exp_mon - The expiration month of the credit card used
exp_year - The expiration year of the credit card used
card_number - The credit card number
trans_amount - The amount of the transaction
trans_response - The transaction approval code
user1 - Pass-thru variable field and used for some IPOSS command functions
user2 - Pass-thru variable field
user3 - Pass-thru variable field and used for some IPOSS command functions
user4 - Used for IPOSS command functions
ship_name - The Shipping Name 1
ship_address - The Shipping Address 1
ship_city - The Shipping City 1
ship_state - The Shipping State 1
ship_zip - The Shipping Zip/Postal Code 1
ship_country - The Shipping Country 1
ship_phone - The Shipping Phone 1
ship_zip - The Shipping Zip/Postal Code 1
home_phone - Home Phone Number 2
work_phone - Work Phone Number 2
fax_phone - Fax Phone Number 2
REBILL - Enable the Automatic Rebilling System 3
REBILL_START - Start the Sutomatic Rebilling System in X days 3
REBILL_CYCLE - How often the Automatic Rebilling should occur in X days 3
REBILL_AMOUNT - How much the Automatic Rebilling System should charge 3
Use of these fields requires that the field "user4" be set to "SHIPPING"
Use of these fields requires that the field "PHONE" be set to "YES"
Use of these fields are covered in more depth in the Automatic Rebilling section
Below is a list of all the fields that will be returned by IPOSS after an approved transaction when user1 is set to "POST and user3 is set to "USE_PASSWORD:
firstname - The customer's First Name
lastname - The customer's Last Name
email - The Customer's E-mail address
username - The User ID selected by the customer
password - The Password selected by the customer
expdate - The expiration date for the User ID expressed in YYYYMMDD format
address1 - The customer's street address line #1
address2 - The customer's street address line #2
city - The customer's City
state - The customer's State
zip - The customer's Zip/Postal Code
cardtype - Type of credit card used
exp_mon - The expiration month of the credit card used
exp_year - The expiration year of the credit card used
card_number - The credit card number with the last 4 digits replaced by "XXXX"
trans_amount - The amount of the transaction
trans_approved - Will be "APPROVED" for valid transactions
trans_response - The transaction approval code
Below is a list of all the fields that will be returned by IPOSS after an approved transaction when user1 is set to POST:
firstname - The customer's First Name
lastname - The customer's Last Name
email - The Customer's E-mail address
home_phone - The Home Phone Number provided by the customer
work_phone - The Work Phone Number provided by the customer
fax_phone - The Fax Phone Number provided by the customer
address1 - The customer's street address line #1
address2 - The customer's street address line #2
city - The customer's City
state - The customer's State
zip - The customer's Zip/Postal Code
cardtype - Type of credit card used
exp_mon - The expiration month of the credit card used
exp_year - The expiration year of the credit card used
card_number - The credit card number with the last 4 digits replaced by "XXXX"
trans_amount - The amount of the transaction
trans_approved - Will be "APPROVED" for valid transactions
trans_response - The transaction approval code
user1 - The contents of "user1" that was sent to I-POSS
user2 - The contents of "user2" that was sent to I-POSS
user3 - The contents of "user3" that was sent to I-POSS
Below is a list of all the fields that will be return via a 'GET' command to the URL supplied in the next_url field when user1 is set to FORCE and user3 is set to USE_PASSWORD. If the 'GET' command fails, IPOSS will automatically default back to the user1="POST" method.
username - The User ID selected by the customer
password - The Password selected by the customer