ADO Properties

Extended Query Properties

You can use any of the following properties when performing extended queries to optimize your search.

Property Data Type Property Group Read/
Always use content index (DBPROP_USECONTENTINDEX) DBTYPE_BOOL DBPROPFLAGS_ROWSET RW Default is FALSE. When set to TRUE, indicates that the search will always use content index.
Defer scope and security testing (DBPROP_DEFERNONINDEXEDTRIMMING) DBTYPE_BOOL DBPROPFLAGS_ROWSET RW Default is FALSE. When set to TRUE, indicates that the search will defer scope and security testing.
Return PROPVARIANTs in variant binding (DBPROP_USEEXTENDEDDBTYPES) DBTYPE_BOOL DBPROPFLAGS_ROWSET RW Default is FALSE. When set to TRUE, returns PROPVARIANTs in variant binding.

Query Status Properties

Property Data Type Property Group Read/
Rowset Query Status (DBPROP_RowsetQueryStatus) DBTYPE_I4 DBPROPFLAGS_ROWSET RO Indicates the rowset query status.

This status can return any of the following values:

Status Value
STAT_ERROR ( 0x1 )
STAT_DONE ( 0x2 )

Connection Properties

Property Names Value Read/Write Defined By
Data SourcewebRWOLE DB
Locale Identifier1033RWOLE DB
Location.RWOLE DB
Active Sessions0ROOLE DB
Pass By Ref AccessorsFalseROOLE DB
Column Definition0ROOLE DB
Read-Only Data SourceTrueROOLE DB
DBMS NameMicrosoft Index ServerROOLE DB
DBMS Version02.00.0000ROOLE DB
Data Source Object Threading Model1ROOLE DB
Heterogenous Table Support0ROOLE DB
Maximum Open Chapters0ROOLE DB
Maximum Row Size0ROOLE DB
Maximum Tables in SELECT1ROOLE DB
Multiple Parameter SetsFalseROOLE DB
Multiple Results0ROOLE DB
Multiple Storage ObjectsFalseROOLE DB
NULL Collation Order4ROOLE DB
OLE Object Support0ROOLE DB
ORDER BY Columns in Select ListFalseROOLE DB
Output Parameter Availability1ROOLE DB
Persistent ID Type2ROOLE DB
Provider NameMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Index Server ROOLE DB
OLE DB Version01.50RWOLE DB
Provider Versionx.xx.xxxxROOLE DB
Rowset Conversions on CommandTrueROOLE DB
Structured Storage0ROOLE DB
Subquery Support0ROOLE DB
Transaction DDL0ROOLE DB
Isolation Levels256ROOLE DB
Isolation Retention0ROOLE DB
Current CatalogwebROOLE DB

Command/Resultset Properties

Property Names Value Read/Write Defined By
Blocking Storage ObjectsFalseROOLE DB
Include Bookmark DataFalseRWOLE DB
Skip Deleted BookmarksFalseROOLE DB
Bookmark Type1ROOLE DB
Fetch BackwardsFalseROOLE DB
Hold RowsFalseRWOLE DB
Scroll BackwardsFalseROOLE DB
Column PrivilegesFalseROOLE DB
Command Time Out30RWOLE DB
Literal BookmarksFalseROOLE DB
Literal Row IdentityFalseROOLE DB
Maximum Open Rows0ROOLE DB
Maximum Rows0ROOLE DB
Memory Usage0RWOLE DB
Bookmarks OrderedFalseROOLE DB
Others' Inserts VisibleFalseROOLE DB
Others' Changes VisibleFalseROOLE DB
Quick RestartFalseROOLE DB
Reentrant EventsFalseROOLE DB
Remove Deleted RowsTrueROOLE DB
Row PrivilegesTrueROOLE DB
Row Threading Model1ROOLE DB
Server CursorTrueROOLE DB
Strong Row IdentityFalseROOLE DB
Updatability0ROOLE DB
IAccessorTrueROOLE DB
IColumnsInfoTrueROOLE DB
IConnectionPointContainerFalseROOLE DB
IConvertTypeTrueROOLE DB
IRowsetIdentityFalseROOLE DB
IRowsetInfoTrueROOLE DB
BookmarkableFalseRWOLE DB
IRowsetScrollFalseRWOLE DB
ISupportErrorInfoTrueROOLE DB
Always use content indexFalseRWOLE DB Provider for Index Server Specific
Defer scope and security testingFalseRWOLE DB Provider for Index Server Specific
Return PROPVARIANTs in variant bindingFalseRWOLE DB Provider for Index Server Specific
SQL Content Query Locale StringENRWOLE DB Provider for Index Server Specific
Query Restriction""RWOLE DB Provider for Index Server Specific

Setting Locale Context

You can change the Locale context in a Command object by setting the property "SQL Content Query Locale String" to the appropriate Locale_String or by setting the "Locale Identifier" property on the Connection object to the appropriate Locale ID (LCID).


  1. The following example sets the Locale property of the 'AdoCommand' command object to the Locale "GE".

    AdoCommand.Properties("SQL Content Query Locale String") = "GE"
  2. The following example obtains the default locale from the browser HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable.

    strLocale = Request.ServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")
    AdoCommand.Properties("SQL Content Query Locale String") = strLocale
  3. The following example sets the Locale property of the "AdoConnection" connection object to the US-English Locale.

    AdoConnection.Properties("Locale Identifier") = 1033 'EN-US locale code
  4. Note   The locale property which you set, in either a Connection or Command object, does not affect the error strings which are posted based on the default locale specified in the your profile. The Locale property which you set up ends up being passed to the Index Server which uses it for it's searching. For more information about ADO properties, see the ADO Overview.

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