The property cache is a large data structure, comparable in size to the master index. The registry parameter PropertyStoreMappedCache controls how much of the property cache is always kept in memory.
In most cases, you will not need to increase the default setting of the PropertyStoreMappedCache parameter. However, there are two cases in which you could change the default setting
- First, on large index servers, increasing this value tends to yield better performance. But if the physical memory is inadequate, the performance might suffer.
- Second, if the default is not adequate to handle a heavy query load, evidenced by the system overworking once the index is up to date.
If you find the second case is true, follow these steps:
- Check the size of the .prp file in the Catalog.wci directory.
- If your system has at least 32 megabytes plus the size of the .prp file in Random Access Memory (RAM), divide the size of the .prp file by 65536.
- Multiply that number by 50 percent, for future growth.
- Set the PropertyStoreMappedCache registry parameter to the resulting number (in decimal).
- Stop and restart the ContentIndex service in the Services applet of the Windows NT Control Panel.
For example, if your server has 64 megabytes of RAM and the size of your .prp file is 16,259,840 bytes, increase the PropertyStoreMappedCache setting to 372.
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