Web Property Inheritance

This chart shows the properties associated with the IIS Web services. For each property you can see the default setting of its inheritance attribute and the IIS Admin Objects you can use to access the value of the property in the metabase. The inheritance is indicated as:

Inh Inherits
Inh Contained in another inherited property
Inh* Contains more than one property
NoAtt Does not inherit

Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
AccessExecute Inh* x   x x x x
AccessFlags Inh x   x x x x
AccessNoRemoteExecute Inh* x   x x x x
AccessNoRemoteRead Inh* x   x x x x
AccessNoRemoteScript Inh* x   x x x x
AccessNoRemoteWrite Inh* x   x x x x
AccessRead Inh* x   x x x x
AccessScript Inh* x   x x x x
AccessSSL Inh* x   x x x x
AccessSSL128 Inh* x   x x x x
AccessSSLFlags Inh x   x x x x
AccessSSLMapCert Inh* x   x x x x
AccessSSLNegotiateCert Inh* x   x x x x
AccessSSLRequireCert Inh* x   x x x x
AccessWrite Inh* x   x x x x
AdminACL Inh x   x      
AdminServer NoAtt   x        
AllowKeepAlive Inh x   x      
AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings Inh x   x      
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
AnonymousPasswordSync Inh x   x x x x
AnonymousUserName Inh x   x x x x
AnonymousUserPass Inh x   x x x x
AppAllowClientDebug Inh x   x x    
AppAllowDebugging Inh x   x x    
AppFriendlyName Inh x   x x x  
AppIsolated Inh x   x x x  
AppOopRecoverLimit Inh   x x x  
AppPackageID Inh x   x x x  
AppPackageName Inh x   x x x  
AppRoot Inh x   x x x  
AppWamClsid Inh x   x x x  
AspAllowOutOfProcComponents Inh x   x x x  
AspAllowSessionState Inh x   x x x  
AspBufferingOn Inh x   x x x  
AspCodepage Inh x   x x x  
AspEnableParentPaths Inh x   x x x  
AspExceptionCatchEnable Inh x   x x x  
AspLogErrorRequests Inh x   x x x  
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
AspMemFreeFactor Inh x   x x x  
AspQueueTimeout Inh x   x x x  
AspScriptEngineCacheMax Inh x   x x x  
AspScriptErrorMessage Inh x   x x x  
AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser Inh x   x x x  
AspScriptFileCacheSize Inh x   x x x  
AspScriptLanguage Inh x   x x x  
AspScriptTimeout Inh x   x x x  
AspSessionTimeout Inh x   x x x  
AuthAnonymous Inh* x   x x x x
AuthBasic Inh* x   x x x x
AuthFlags Inh x   x x x x
AuthNTLM Inh* x   x x x x
AuthPersistence Inh x   x x x x
CacheControlCustom Inh x   x x x x
CacheControlMaxAge Inh x   x x x x
CacheControlNoCache Inh x   x x x x
CacheISAPI Inh     x      
CGITimeout Inh     x      
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
ConnectionTimeout Inh x   x      
ContentIndexed Inh       x x  
CreateCGIWithNewConsole Inh x   x x x x
CreateProcessAsUser Inh x   x x x x
CustomErrorDescriptions NoAtt   x        
DefaultDoc Inh x   x x x  
DefaultDocFooter Inh x   x x x x
DefaultLogonDomain Inh x   x x x x
DirBrowseFlags Inh x   x x x  
DirBrowseShowDate Inh* x   x x x  
DirBrowseShowExtension Inh* x   x x x  
DirBrowseShowLongDate Inh* x   x x x  
DirBrowseShowSize Inh* x   x x x  
DirBrowseShowTime Inh* x   x x x  
DirectoryLevelsToScan NoAtt x          
DontLog Inh x   x x x x
DownlevelAdminInstance NoAtt x          
EnableDefaultDoc Inh* x   x x x  
EnableDirBrowsing Inh* x   x x x  
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
EnableDocFooter Inh x   x x x x
EnableReverseDns Inh x   x x x x
FrontPageWeb NoAtt     x      
HttpCustomHeaders Inh x   x x x x
HttpErrors Inh x   x x x x
HttpExpires Inh x   x x x x
HttpPics Inh x   x x x x
HttpRedirect Inh x   x x x x
InProcessIsapiApps NoAtt x          
IPSecurity Inh x   x x x x
KeyType NoAtt x x x x x x
LogExtFileBytesRecv Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileBytesSent Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileClientIp Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileComputerName Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileCookie Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileDate Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileFlags Inh x   x      
LogExtFileHttpStatus Inh* x   x      
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
LogExtFileMethod Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileProtocolVersion Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileReferer Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileServerIp Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileServerPort Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileSiteName Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileTime Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileTimeTaken Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileUriQuery Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileUriStem Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileUserAgent Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileUserName Inh* x   x      
LogExtFileWin32Status Inh* x   x      
LogFileDirectory Inh x   x      
LogFilePeriod Inh x   x      
LogFileTruncateSize Inh x   x      
LogModuleList Inh   x        
LogOdbcDataSource Inh x   x      
LogOdbcPassword Inh x   x      
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
LogOdbcTableName Inh x   x      
LogOdbcUserName Inh x   x      
LogonMethod Inh x   x x x x
LogPluginClsId Inh x   x      
LogType Inh x   x      
MaxBandwidth NoAtt     x      
MaxBandwidthBlocked NoAtt     x      
MaxConnections Inh x   x      
MaxEndpointConnections Inh x   x      
MimeMap Inh x   x x x x
NetLogonWorkstation Inh x   x      
NTAuthenticationProviders Inh x   x      
PasswordCacheTTL Inh x   x      
PasswordChangeFlags Inh x   x      
PasswordExpirePrenotifyDays Inh x   x      
Path Inh       x    
PoolIDCTimeout Inh x   x x x x
ProcessNTCRIfLoggedOn Inh x   x      
PutReadSize Inh x   x x x x
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
Realm Inh x   x x x x
RedirectHeaders Inh x   x x x x
ScriptMaps Inh x   x x x x
SecureBindings Inh     x      
ServerAutoStart Inh x   x      
ServerBindings Inh x   x      
ServerComment Inh x   x      
ServerConfigAutoPWSync NoAtt   x        
ServerConfigFlags NoAtt   x        
ServerConfigSSL128 NoAtt   x        
ServerConfigSSL40 NoAtt   x        
ServerConfigSSLAllowEncrypt NoAtt   x        
ServerListenBacklog Inh x   x      
ServerListenTimeout Inh x   x      
ServerSize Inh x   x      
ServerState Inh     x      
SSIExecDisable Inh x   x x x x
UNCAuthenticationPassthrough Inh x   x x x x
UNCPassword Inh       x    
Property Inherit Service Info Server VirtualDir Directory File
UNCUserName Inh       x    
UploadReadAheadSize Inh x   x x x x
UseHostName Inh x   x      
WAMUserName Inh x          
WAMUserPass Inh x          

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