
You can use the AppGetStatus method of the IIsWebDirectory object to retrieve the current status of a Web application.


vReturn = IIsWebDirectory.AppGetStatus 


Receives the status of the application.

Return Values

APPSTATUS_NOTDEFINED No application is defined at the specified path.
APPSTATUS_RUNNING The application is running.
APPSTATUS_STOPPED The application is not running.

Code Example

Dim DirObj, vStatus 
Set DirObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/ROOT/MyAppDir") 
' Get the status of the application 
vReturn = DirObj.AppGetStatus 

See Also

AppCreate, AppDelete, AppDeleteRecursive, AppUnload, AppUnloadRecursive, AppDisable, AppDisableRecursive, AppEnable, AppEnableRecursive

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