ODBC Logging Properties - ODBC Properties Property Sheet

Before you can begin ODBC logging from IIS or PWS, there are several steps to take. First, use ODBC-compliant database software (such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server) to create a database. Within the database, create a table containing the fields listed at the end of this topic. Next, use the Control Panel to access the ODBC option and give the database a system Data Source Name (DSN), so that the ODBC software-layer can recognize the database. Finally, supply IIS or PWS with the Data Source Name and Table name by using this dialog box. If a user name and password are required for accessing the database, supply them as well. The options in this dialog box are as follows:

ODBC Data Source Name (DSN)
Type the system Data Source Name for the database to which logging entries will be sent. The Data Source Name must be defined in the Control Panel by using the ODBC option and the System DSN property sheet. Be sure to type the same name here as you type in the System DSN property sheet.
Type the name of the database table to which logging entries will be sent. Type the same name as the one you assigned the table within the database program. See the list below for the fields that must be part of the table in order for it to receive logging entries.
User Name
If a user name and password are required for accessing the ODBC-compliant database, type the user name here.
If a user name and password are required for accessing the ODBC-compliant database, type the password here.

Fields to Include in the Database You Create

Before ODBC logging can begin, you must create an appropriate table within the database that is specified in this dialog box. The table must have the following fields: ClientHost varchar(255), Username varchar(255), LogTime datetime, Service varchar(255), Machine varchar(255), ServerIP varchar(50), ProcessingTime int, BytesRecvd int, BytesSent int, ServiceStatus int, Win32Status int, Operation varchar(255), Target varchar(255), Parameters varchar(255).

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