Microsoft Script Debugger provides you with a comprehensive debugging environment for testing and correcting errors in your Web document scripts. Using Microsoft Script Debugger, you can track down errors in any ActiveX-enabled scripting language, including Visual Basic for Scripting (VBScript) and JScript. You can also use Microsoft Script Debugger to debug Java applets, beans, and ActiveX components.
This documentation contains:
- Introducing Microsoft Script Debugger: An overview of the Script Debugger that summarizes its features and user interface.
- Understanding Script Errors: Background information about how scripts are processed by Web servers and browsers, the types of errors scripts can contain, and common types of errors and how to avoid them.
- Using the Script Debugger: Step-by-step instructions describing how to use the Script Debugger.
- Debugging Java Applications: Information about using the Script Debugger to debug Java applets, beans, and components.
- Script Debugger Reference: A reference guide to the toolbars, menus, windows, and dialog boxes that are part of the Script Debugger.