Debug Toolbar (Microsoft Script Debugger)

You can use the following buttons on the Debug toolbar as shortcuts for common debugging tasks.

Button Name
Start or continue execution of the current document.
Stop debugging.
Break into the debugger at the next (or first) statement in a document. For more information, see Setting Breakpoints.
Step into (execute) the next statement. For more information, see Stepping Through Scripts.
Step over (skip) the next statement. For more information, see Stepping Through Scripts.
Step out of (quit) the current function. For more information, see Stepping Through Scripts.
Insert or remove a breakpoint. For more information, see Setting Breakpoints.
Remove all breakpoints. For more information, see Clearing Breakpoints.
Display the Running Documents window to select a document to work with. For more information, see Choosing a Document to Work With.
Display the call stack to view and navigate to nested procedures. For more information, see Viewing the Call Stack.
Open the Command window to type in commands or expressions, or to view and change variable values. For more information, see Executing Script Commands and Viewing and Changing Values.

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