Google Coder Web Development on the RasPi

"Coder is a free, open source project that turns a Raspberry Pi into a simple platform that educators and parents can use to teach the basics of building for the web." Coder runs as a Node.JS application on the Pi, and provides a web service which both host web applicaitons and an editor for the HTML, CSS, Javascript, and NodeJS (Javascript on the server side) files that make up the application. It also uploads and manages images or other "media" to use in the application. The user interface is intuitive and clean.

Hitting "http://coder.local/ " may not work from Windows PC's. Instead, just hit the RasPi's IP address. If you have changed the ports, remember to include the new port. E.g.

Be very patient after entering your password and clicking "Let's code"... It takes /forever/ and will appear that nothing is working, then suddenly it will come up. is a great starting point.

See also: