When you are logged in and have ownership of a page on this techref site, either because you are the person who created the page or because you have agreed to maintain it by clicking on the "No one owns this page... would you like to maintain it? " link at the bottom of an unowned page, you will see an Edit button in the "control panel form" along with the Add button. (You may have to press "Refresh" in your browser") Pressing this button will open the HTML source code of the page in a very large text area. You may change anything you like and then press the "Update" button (scroll down) to save your changes back to the site. (You may have to press "Refresh" in your browser")
If you use Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, you will also see a button for "WYSIWYG Edit" which will open the new WYSIWYG editor and allow you to change the page via common editing controls on a toolbar. Just click where you wish and type to enter new text. Select text by dragging the cursor over it and use the buttons on the left side of the toolbar the change the attributes of that text. e.g. Bold, Italic, typeface, pointsize, etc.... You can also change the justification, indenting and format of paragraphs and add tables. Use the link button (icon of a chain link on it side) to edit or insert links. Viewing and editing the raw HTML is also possible via a button on the toolbar. Note that there are some issues with the WYSIWYG editor and images, so be sure to check your work after you have updated it.
In order to host peoples pages without all the navigation , feedback, and advertizements at the bottom, .html pages are not processed in any way and are simply served as they are. If you make a file with an .html extension, it will have no links that allow users to add comments to a page, search for simular pages, etc... , however... it will also not have the link to edit or wysiwyg edit the page itself.
To edit an .html page in the standard HTML source editor, just add "?edit"
to the end of the URL. For example:
You must be the owner of the page to do this and it does require an understanding
of HTML.
To use the WYSIWYG editor, just add "?wedit" to the end of the URL.
There is currently no way to post images to the site other than to email them to me. I'm happy to host images, I just want to see them first.