ON 20100113@4:40:41 PM at page: On a web page you were interested in at: http://techref.massmind.org/idea/mc-heat-inject.htm#40191.6265509259 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] published post 40191.6265509259 mloureiro@spartan.northampton.edu
hey, folks almost all the thoughts ive seen here ran through my head, especially using heat from a powerful diesel-like compression stroke to flash water into steam About that, consider the vapor pressure of water versus temperature (a.k.a. a phase diagram). You should probably investigate the temperature required to turn water to steam at the specific compression ratio you are using. You may find that at the pressure in the cylinder after compression and at the time of injection is too high for water to go to the gaseous state, given the temperature of the cylinder.
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