This url has a listing for a database (60,000 entries) of all the routing
number in the USA:
which takes you to:
Where you must fill out a form to request pricing. I was told the "Key to Routing Numbers Directory" hardbound is $184 + 12.5 S&H and it updates twice a year.
This is information you can't do without, and this is the only place you can get it. The official list of all U.S. routing and transit numbers includes all financial institutions -- banks, savings and loans, and credit unions -- with their routing numbers and city and state locations (over 60,000 entries). Cross-indexed geographically and numerically; includes a section showing all numbers retired in the last five years; updated semi-annually and published in December and June; offers several different ordering options. It's a valuable resource for your bank, and it's also available in electronic form, as RT Access software.
Hardbound, 1,138 pages, twice yearly
~$99 ABA Member/Non-Member, semi-annual standing order
~$109 annual standing order
$184 one-time order
(available in 5-1/4" or 3-1/2" disks, updated quarterly), plus User's Guide, 1993
?$465 ABA Member/Non-Member for first disk program
?$195 per quarterly update
Available directly from Accuity Solutoins; to order, please call them at 1-800-321-3373, or write to:
Accuity Solutions
4709 West Golf Road
Skokie, IL 60076-1253