CybikoTM Xtreme

Hardware specifications
Main Processor Hitachi H8S/2323 18MHz
Coprocessor Atmel AT90S2313 4MHz

Parallel read-only flash 512Kb
Disk (electronic RAM-Disk) 500Kb
RAM 1.5Mb
LCD Grayscale screen 160x100 pixels, 54x35 mm
RF transceiver RF2915
Expansion cartridge slot 24-pin proprietary
PC/charging unit connection socket USB
Size 81 mm x 141mm x 19mm (3.2" x 5.6" x 0.8")
Weight 150 g (0.33 lbs.)
Software specifications
Operating System CyOSTM v.1.5
Software CyOSTM v.1.5 compatible applications
Communication Protocol CyDPTM x.30 (Cybiko RF Digital Protocol) and Fast Communication Protocol
Dynamic Virtual Local Wireless Network automatically provided by CyOSTM and CyDPTM RF communication features
Frequency 868-870 MHz
Communication Rate 19200 bps
Chat Communication Range up to 150 ft indoor, up to 500 ft outdoor (environment dependent)
File Transfer/Multi-Player Game Range 65 ft

Vibration alert - Speaker - Microphone - 55 button keyboard - Antenna

Building Applications
Applications for Cybiko Xtreme are mostly identical to applications for Cybiko Classic. Changes applied to Standard Application Resources.
For Cybiko Xtreme, the bytecode.dl have become a part of the CyOS. Therefore it cannot be replaced with a newer or debug version. The only way to use a different Cybiko Bytecode Interpreter is to statically link it in the program. Using the vcc compiler driver in the debug mode implies static linkage of the program.