The menu and the list

    The menu and the list (designated "objects") have identical behavior but differ in appearance and assignment. Each item from the menu or list represents three areas:     There are questions about the names of the interface structural units when using the menu and the list. Since the interface structural units contain the given object standards, it is expedient to enter the following terms:     In the left field can appear either an icon or no icon. The entry in the center field must leave at least ten vacant letter spaces; in the third field, at least two letter spaces must be left.

The initial state:
1. The uppermost choice is active in the menu. The icon field and item name field are inverted. The value field is not inverted.
2. The upper item of the list is active in the list. Only the item name field is inverted.

    Lists should be scrolled by the <FN>+<UP ARROW/DOWN ARROW> combination keys. Lists should not be scrolled by the <LEFT ARROW/RIGHT ARROW> keys.

The keyboard layout of operation of the menu or the list is as follows: