The Start of the Game

    1.     If an invitation for participating in a game arrives, the current application is exited after any functional key or the <OK> button is pressed. A pertinent dialog box appears if information must be saved in the current application. If the player presses <Save>, the process can be cancelled by the <Esc> button; e.g., if a subsequent message notifies the player that a file with such a name already exists and asks the player if it must be overwritten.
If the player agrees to play but the approximate 1.5-minute timeout expired during the saving, the game is not started after the exit from the current application.

           a) If incorrect data is entered, a pertinent message is displayed during saving.

           b) After all steps of the saving process are completed, a transfer is made to a game for which the invitation was received.

           c) No response to the pressing of the functional keys must be made during the interval between the acceptance of an invitation to play and a transfer to the game. No other invitations must be displayed during this interval.

           d) At all times except the interval described in c), functional keys can be used to exit the dialog boxes.

           e) <Esc> is used to cancel the invitation to play.

    2.    The game begins when the game file is displayed on the screen(s) of the player(s) device(s). The "Waiting for link..." box must appear while a connection between the devices is being established.