Interface Standards

Cybiko, Inc. has prepared more than 200 service applications and games for release. These applications help attain a wide range of purposes, but they have uniform principles of user interface construction. Therefore, the menu, the lists, and the dialog box look and function identically in all applications. This is important, and it averts numerous problems. The developer might have the problem of debugging the applications, and the user might face the clarity problem.

This section contains recommendations for developing your own Cybiko applications. By adhering to these recommendations, you will follow the principles of forming the applications interface which the Cybiko, Inc. programmers use. This section is broken into subsections. The largest subsection comprises a set of pages describing dialog box types. It is called "Dialogs Views". You will find recommendations on choosing a level of the game, its beginning, interruption, and completion, as well as the initial conditions. You will find the rules concerning applications titles and the handling of sound in separate pages. More rules are assembled in the "Miscellaneous" section. Note that the interface standards are still in the development stage and they are being supplemented. If you have a question, analyze the application interfaces on your Cybiko computer or the interfaces which you can download from You can also seek help in our technical support department.