Cybiko console was developer as a way for you, the user, to send third-party applications to your Cybiko computer. Cybiko console can also be used to view various other information about your Cybiko computer.
Connect your Cybiko computer, using the special connection cable that came with it, to a COM Port. (If you don't know what a COM Port is, look below).
Start the Cybiko console application.
In the Port menu, choose COM port to which you have connected your Cybiko (usually COM1).
To send an application to your Cybiko computer, choose File->"Send File(s)" submenu, or press <Ctrl><S>. The Send File dialog will appear.
Choose the file name of your application (<app_name>.app) and press <Enter>. The process of sending the application to your Cybiko has now begun.
That's is! You can now use the application like you would any other.
A COM port is actually called a serial port. It's very small and has 9 slots where pins go in. If you don't have one, you may need an adapter to make your USB port into a serial port.
There are some commands for Cybiko computer control through the console:
Outputs a list of files. You can use arguments and options of this command in any order. Option -l outputs the list of file names with length of each file, followed by information about total number of files and by information about main flash card. Additionally, its possible to use -t option ("times") to output the times of the last changes of files. This command, as well as other file commands, can be used with unlimited number of arguments such as as file names or masks for files with metasymbols '*' and '?' in unix-style. Option /* may be used in conjunction with "-l" option to get information about file devices and their types. Without /* option file list will be followed by information about main flash card, irrespective of the information on files from which the device was outputted.
Remove file(or files). The option '-f ' ('f' stands for 'force') can be used to remove multiple files that are specified via a file mask (a.k.a. wildcard) without ever asking you whether or not you wish to remove a particular file. The newly added option -p reports on the execution progress once per second. The executable file implementing this command resides in System.a archive.
This command copies one file (the 1st argument) to another one (the 2nd argument). If the last argument is written down as '/device_name/', this command copies files listed or found on masks of the previous arguments on this device, with preservation of names of files. The command is convenient for the recording of small files on external devices, because the console could not do this directly yet. The option -v as a first argument makes this command a little more talkative (informs about success or unsuccess of the each copying). The option "-f" relieves from questions about overwriting of files. The option-p, while copying a file, every second writes a percentage of this execution. All options of a command cp should be put right after it up to a name of files.
To rename file is impossible.
This command formats a device. The only argument is a device name without a slash. If the device_name is blank, the main flash card will be formatted. The format command does the same, except it not only formats occupied blocks, it formats the occupied blocks.
This command checks the file system integrity in main flash card. -I option allows performing a test without attempts to repair found mistakes. Its not recommended to run this command if you have a little amount of memory (RAM).
The only option the name of boot file. This command makes this file bootable.
Outputs OS version number and time when OS was built
This command outputs a kind of CyOS (release/debug/update)
Outputs information about the main flash card or other devices. If this command is used with option /device_name, it will output information about other devices.
Configures the system. If this command is used without options, it outputs current settings. With option ?, this command outputs a configuration manual. The Configuration manual is given below.
config command help *** usage: cfg dumps current system settings *** usage: cfg load|save|dump [file_name] load - load config from default or specified file save - save config to default or specified file dump - dumps config from default or specified file *** usage: cfg sound [on | off] disables enables any sound on - turn sound on off - turn sound off if on | off are omitted - turns sound on *** usage: cfg keysound [normal | short | off] handles only keyboard sound behaviour normal - turn keyboard click sound normal short - turn click to short beep off - turn keyboard sounds off if parameters are omitted - turns keysound normal *** usage: cfg comm [on | off] disables/enables communications on - communications on off - communications off if on | off are omitted - turns communications on *** usage: cfg channel <number> set rf channel number *** usage: cfg keyboard <layout_name> set keyboard layout *** usage: cfg hardware <dword_hardware_version> set hardware version( double word )
This command outputs the CyID of Cybiko computer.
Doesn't appear to work with a classic
This command allows users to output or to change the date and time in the Cybiko computer. It will be used in two ways. The first way (it's format is given below)
rtc date [dd mm yyyy]
allows users to output or to change a current date. The second way (it's format may be found below)
rtc time [hh mm ss]
allows users to output or to change a current time.