PIC/Linux Development Tools


DISCLAIMER: While we can guarantee that these tools are suitable for OUR purposes, we can't guarantee that they'll be appropriate for YOUR purposes. We also can't be responsible for any unintended consequences of the use of these tools. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

picp -- the PICSTART Plus Programmer Interface

What it is:

A command line interface to operate the Microchip PICSTART Plus Programmer

Supported devices:

All 12-, 14-, and 16-bit PIC-family devices that are supported by the PICSTART Plus Programmer

Tested platforms:

Linux (DEC Alpha), Linux (i386)


Faster than MPLAB, comprehensive command line interface, full source provided

download the current release (0.4d): picp04d.tgz or as a zip archive picp04d.zip.
Click here to view the documentation.

tpasm -- cross assembler for PIC microcontrollers

6805, 68HC11, 6502, 8051, Atmel AVR, & Z80 (so far)

Click to go to the tpasm page.

picdasm -- PIC disassembler

An open-source PIC disassembler is available as picdasm01d.tgz or picdasm01d.zip. Limited processor-specific support so far but it does handle the 16C5X and 17CXX instruction sets.

The PICSTART Plus Programmer from Microchip is a cost-effective universal solution to programming Microchip PIC microcontrollers. Unfortunately, the software supplied with the PICSTART Plus is slow and only runs under Windows. picp was created to operate the PICSTART Plus quickly and smoothly in a platform-independent way.

picp Interface

picp is a programmer's programmer, meaning that it doesn't have a fancy shmancy GUI and it doesn't try to guess as to what you really want. It has a command line interface that does exactly what you tell it to do.

Compatability & Bug Reports

Full source is offered for picp to enable compilation under a variety of platforms and to permit tailoring to specific needs. picp has been compiled and tested under Linux for the DEC Alpha and the Intel i386, and should be easily compiled under other environments. If you discover specific problems or changes required to compile under a particular environment, please send a detailed description (preferably with a working patch) to apines@cosmodog.com. Also, if it runs without change on another platform we'd like to hear about that as well, so we can claim that, too. Suggestions for improvements are also encouraged, but please bear in mind that it already does what we need it to, so we might not be all that motivated to implement any changes that don't represent significant, useful improvements.

Disclaimer again, in case you weren't paying attention the first time

While every effort has been taken to ensure reliable bug-free operation, only a handful of different PIC devices have been programed using picp. We cannot guarantee that it will work properly in all circumstances and with all types of PIC devices. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.  If you have trouble with a particular device, please send all relevant information to apines@cosmodog.com.

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