Memory Map 0F0000-0F5FFF ROM BIOS (AT) 0F6000-0FDFFF ROM BASIC (PC) 0FE000-0FFFFF ROM BIOS (PC) 0FFA6E table of characters 00h-7Fh used by video BIOS 0FFFF5 BIOS release date 0FFFFE PC model identification FF0000-FFFFFF System ROM (AT, PS/2)
Note that the ROM BIOS has a duplicated address space which causes it to "appear" both at the end of the 1 megabyte real mode space and at the end of the 16 megabyte protected mode space. The addresses from 0E0000 to 0FFFFF are equal to FE0000 to FFFFFF. This is necessary due to differences in the memory addressing between Real and Protected Modes.