GCC https://godbolt.org/ See the assembly
result for several processors of your code in several high level languages.
WinAVR (pronounced "whenever") is a suite of executable, open source
software development tools for the Atmel AVR series of RISC microprocessors
hosted on the Windows platform. It includes the GNU GCC compiler for C and
C++. http://medo.fov.uni-mb.si/mapp/ Port
of the gcc for linux
http://www.iar.com/ewavr IAR Systems,
IAR Embedded Workbench including highly optimizing C and C++ Compiler
and IAR C-SPY® Debugger for all AVR devices. The "KickStart" version
is free but limited to 4K compiled code and very limited support.
http://www.imagecraft.com ImageCraft
ICC-AVR. 45 day trial is then code size limited. $200 full version as of
http://www.hpinfotech.ro/ CodeVisionAVR
C from HP InfoTech (no relation to Hewlett Packard) 90 to 150 EUR as of
http://www.micro-ide.com/ AVR Atmega128
or 32 C compiler with GUI IDE, supports debugging via LCD in addition to
standard AVR Studia. Supports Micromega uM FPU hardware floating point
A complete standalone BASIC interpreter is available ona pre-programmed Mega644
chip. All programming requires only a terminal or terminal emulator. A Demo
Board is available to introduce EEBasic.
look at 328eforth
at offete.com
GcBasic: open-source
basic compiler for PIC and AVR: