Atmel AT89S Series ISP 8051 type Microcontrollers

The 8051 equivalent with 256 bytes of internal RAM, 3 Timers/Counters, UART, WDT, SPI interface, accepts external memories (code/ram), 32 port pins, runs up to 24MHz (2MIPS), $3.86 at NetBuy, 8051 free compiler at the Internet, and the serial Flash programming using just 4 wires connected directly to the PC printer port... need no special programmer... software available for free at ...

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I have being using the AT89S8252 without any complain or problems. The extra timer, the 256 bytes of internal RAM and the best of all, the serialy programmable 8k flash code using only 4 pins of your PC parallel port, allows you to download new code more than one thousand times. As a rule, I leave those 4 wires (ground, Reset and 2 pin ports) available at a RJ11 connector just for that purpose, so upgrades can be done at the field by the customer.


