Gregg Williams is a senior technical editor at
BYTE. Rob Moore is a hardware designer and
frequent contributor to BYTE. They can be
contacted at POB 372, Hancock, NH 03449.
Last month. Steve talked about his background,
the evolution of the Apple I and II, and the early
days of the company. In this part, the
conversation switches to various aspects of the
Apple II design, later personal history, and
Steve's thoughts about the personal computing
Contents Sweet-16 The
Disk drive The
IWM Personal
Details Current
Work Speculations Apple
vs. IBM The
Apple III The
Apple II and The Apple III
BYTE: One of the more interesting things in
the Apple II ROM was your 16-bit pseudomachine
called "Sweet-16." How did you come up with
WOZNIAK: While I was writing my BASIC. I had
been thinking about ways to save code. There were
several places where I had to handle 16-bit
pointers with an 8-bit processor. and that was
pretty awkward.
So I decided to write a little emulator and
implement a 16-bit machine that could interpret
pseudocodes and implement registers 0 to 15 in the
6502 base page. It ran about 30 times as slow as
6502 assembly language, but it saved tons of code
every time I used it in a program.
BYTE: Did you actually use it in your
Integer BASIC?
WOZNIAK: No, I never had the time to
reimplement the BASIC to use it. But I did use it
in later years to write things like BASIC
renumbering routines totally in Sweet-16. It was
easy to mix Sweet-16 code with assembly
BYTE: Isn't Sweet-16 still used in Apple DOS
and ProDOS editor/assemblers?
WOZNIAK: Yes, it's used in EDASM [the Apple
Tool Kit 6502 editor/assembler], mostly in the
editor portion. Randy Wigginton wrote EDASM. He's
worked here since before we even had a company.
Lately he's written the Macintosh word processor -
MacWrite. He's done a lot for the company. and
he's used Sweet-16 in several things he's
The Disk Drive
BYTE: Can you tell us a little about how you
came up with the Apple II disk drive and how you
ended up picking your form of group-coded
WOZNIAK: The disk design was my most incredible
experience at Apple and the finest job I did. I
never really knew what a disk controller was or
what it had to do. But at Hewlett-Packard I had
looked through a Shugart manual to see what
signals were used and what they did. There were
signals to make the head step in and out and
signals to cause magnetic flux changes. It was
similar to audio recording, and I knew about that.
It was like a signal on a tape where you write it
and then you read it back. So I figured out a
simple little circuit to write signals at changing
rates and read them back. I didn't know how disk
controllers worked, so I assumed that I was doing
something totally different. Maybe it wasn't as
efficient, but at least I cou1d write some data
and read it back.
Well, Mike Markkula was annoyed because the
cassette tape was too slow. He had a favorite
checkbook program, and it took two minutes to read
in the program and another two minutes to read in
his check files. He was complaining about this at
a staff meeting, and I mentioned that I had this
clever little five-chip circuit that could read
and write a floppy disk. At the time, all the
existing floppy-disk controllers were 40 or 50
chips, so I knew there must be something important
that I wasn't doing.
I went off and tried to figure out what it was
that I wasn't doing. One of our technicians had a
North Star system, so I looked through their
manuals. I read their schematics and figured out
what every chip did. And I looked through their
listings until I understood exactly what they were
I was doing a lot more. I didn't even have to
look at the sector holes, so I could use any disk
drive, any floppy disk in the world. It was then
that I new I had a really clever design.
The next week was Christmas vacation. Randy
Wigginton and I spent the entire week, including
the holidays, trying to get this disk reading and
writing with a very simple operating system. We
did the bottom levels of an operating system in
that week. You could type R (for "read") followed
by a program name like STARTREK, and it would load
STARTREK into memory.
We were highly motivated because, at the end of
the week, a show called the CES [Consumer
Electronics Show] was starting in Las Vegas,
and we wanted to go.
We worked all night the day before we had to
show it [the disk drive] at CES. At about
six in the morning it was ready to demonstrate.
Randy thought we ought to back it up, so we copied
the disk, track by track. When we were all done,
he looked down at them in his hands and said, "Oh,
no! I wrote on the wrong one!" We managed to
recover it and actually demonstrated it at
BYTE: Had you been exposed to group-code
recording before or did you invent yours
WOZNIAK: The first version of the floppy-disk
routines did not have group coding, I had followed
the Shugart manual, which showed that you had
alternate to clock bits and data bits, so every
other bit was wasted. I couldn't understand why it
was necessary, but I started that way.
Then I came up with this idea to use coded
recording. I knew the technical rule was that you
could only have one or two zeros in a row. You
could have either 4 or 8 microseconds between flux
transitions. I didn't really know what group-coded
recording was; I just knew that I could fit 13
sectors on a disk instead of 10. I had to write a
program to take bytes off the disk, convert them
to 5-bit chunks, and reassemble them into 8-bit
data bytes.
It was a difficult routine to write. It was
about a 20-hour job, and I'd work through the day
for 10 or 12 hours and I wouldn't quite get there.
The next day I'd come back and find out that I was
starting exactly where I had the day before. This
went on for almost a month. I was not quite
getting the routines, and we were getting within a
month of shipping the disk drives. Finally I
stayed up all night until I got all five routines
that had to work together done. So we were able to
ship it the first time with the group coded
recording in place. Later. we changed the encoding
method and stepped up to 16 sectors. That was DOS
BYTE: The Macintosh uses a custom chip
called the IWM - Integrated Woz Machine - that
does the same sort of recording. Can you tell us
anything about that?
WOZNIAK: My design was basically a little
sequencer, or state machine. It used a PROM and a
latch and cycled through various states depending
on the input data coming off the floppy disk. The
IWM takes that design and adds other features like
the ability to go twice as fast - it can also do
IBM format, double-density recordings.
BYTE: It sounds like a fascinating part. Do
you think well see Apple II owners benefit from it
in any way?
WOZNIAK: Well, it's our standard disk
controller now, and it's cheaper than the older
design. It's used in the Apple IIc.
BYTE: Could you use it to get higher-density
recording on an Apple II 5/4-inch disk?
WOZNIAK: No, because the disk drives themselves
aren't certified for double-density recording. You
need heads with the proper gap, and they're more
BYTE: You're a former hobbyist. Could a
hobbyist guy one of these chips and a spec sheet
and start playing with it?
WOZNIAK: I don't think Apple would give out the
spec sheet. I totally disagree with that policy
because I'm very respectful to the hobbyists.
They're a tiny part of our market, but they're
loyal supporters and faithful people to the
company. If they had a spec sheet, they could
start playing with it and figure out a lot more
incredible things that we never planned it to be
used for-even using it as a communications channel
from Apple to Apple, Macintosh to Macintosh. There
are a lot of great tricks you could do with that
little part. It's a beautiful random I/O device
that has too many things that have not been taken
Personal Details
BYTE: In 1981 you were in a plane crash and
you left Apple for a while shortly after that. How
long did it take you to recover from the
WOZNIAK: That was in February 1981. For about
five weeks I had a type of amnesia that prevents
you from forming any new long-term memories. After
I recovered, people would show me pictures of
myself in the hospital, playing games with my
computer with my face all battered up. They would
tell me stories of how I tried to sneak out of the
hospital to visit my wife, Candy, or how I went to
parties and rode my motorcycle. I didn't remember
any of that. I had all of my old memories, but I'd
forget new things from one day to the next.
Finally, I came out of it one night, but I never
got those memories back.
BYTE: Why did you leave Apple?
WOZNIAK: We had a hundred engineers at that
point, and I was no longer really important to the
company. I didn't want to be a manager: I was just
an engineer, and I wasn't really needed there. But
I didn't feel comfortable going to Steve Jobs or
Mike Markkula and saying I wanted to take off. The
plane crash was a good excuse. After five weeks of
amnesia, I simply didn't go back. I decided that
if I was going to take a year off I might as well
finish college. It was the hardest year of my
BYTE: We ve heard that you went to
UC-Berkeley and had some run-ins with your
instructors. Could you tell us about that?
WOZNIAK: I was going under an assumed name -
Rocky Clark - so they didn't know who I was. I
took computer science courses, economics,
statistics, and a few other courses.
My computer science courses were interesting,
but I have to criticize them a little because they
taught only specific problems with specific
solutions. You spent your time memorizing standard
problems and solutions and then tried to recognize
variations of them in the tests. You weren't
supposed to explore new avenues or try things that
nobody else was doing. You were only supposed to
learn the proper answer. They thought that you
could be trained to know all the problems and the
standard solutions. Once you learned them all, you
could solve them. It was wrong because they
weren't really teaching you to solve problems -
they taught you to identify them.
My economics course was interesting also. We
had a socialist TA [teaching assistant] who taught
us that companies made money by cheating the
consumer. All the kids in the class thought that
companies would make a lot of profit if they could
figure out a way to cut the costs of a product
down, to make it cheap and screw the consumer.
I contrast that with the way we did things at
Apple. Every product design decision was based on
what consumers wanted, what would compete the
best, what they would buy. We tried to do what
customers wanted, in our best judgment, and give
them high-quality products.
So I would stand up in class and argue about
what the TA was saying. After a while he started
telling me to shut up. or that he would kick me
out if I interrupted him again. Apple was the
greatest business success in history, but I
couldn't tell him who I was.
BYTE: So you came back to Apple after about
a year. What would you say is the most important
thing that you ve worked on since you came
WOZNIAK: There isn't too much. When I came back
I started getting a little bit involved with this
division's management, but it was unofficial.
OfficialIy I took the title of Engineer. Mostly,
I've stayed involved with the Apple II because
that's where I've got the most to offer.
Because I'm a founder at Apple, I could take
almost any role I want, but I've tried to avoid
the newest, most far-reaching projects because
there are other capable people to do them. I try
to stick to small projects where I can sit down
and handle them myself.
Current Work
BYTE: Do you have anything interesting going
on now?
WOZNIAK: There are not many individual projects
in this whole business. The floppy disk may have
been the last one for Apple. I have got a few
projects that I'm working on now, but they're not
all going at once.
The language Fifth is one of them, but I
haven't written it yet. I'd like to combine the
best features of BASIC. FORTH, and Pascal, and
leave out the worst ones. You could have the
formal structures of Pascal, the immediateness of
BASIC, and the extensibility of FORTH. In FORTH or
Logo, new words become part of the language. and
you can use them immediately. It's really helpful
for debugging. In Macintosh Pascal, you can define
a procedure and run it immediately. I also want
some level of globalness, like BASIC. I don't want
to always have to declare a variable before I can
use it. I like variables with scope. but I'd like
undeclared variables to be totally global.
Another project is an operating system, like
the one on the Macintosh, only a bit different and
a lot more relational.
I also have a hardware project that I'd like to
do, a personal computer based around consumer
video sources like TVs, videotapes. and
videodiscs. It would switch them around.
synchronize them, and mix them, sort of like a
little home editing studio. I think it's possible
because memories are getting so cheap. You could
hold a frame from each of your video sources in
memory and let the software accommodate the sync
variations. There are a lot of new chips available
that do NTSC modulation and demodulation, so there
ought to be a minimal chip solution.
My main interest is still the Apple II - the
home computer we started with. I'd like to see
Apple do more with speech. There are some really
inexpensive speech chips now, and that's the way
the rest of the personal computer world is
heading. I think we've been deficient in that
BYTE: Are you thinking about using the new
65816 processor for anything?
WOZNIAK: We're thinking about it and doing some
R&D with it, but I don't know if we'll use it.
Anything we do has to be compatible with the Apple
II. If we found out that the 65816 wasn't, it
would be a serious question. It's too new a part
right now.
BYTE: How is its performance compared to the
WOZNIAK: It should be available soon in an
8-MHz version that will beat the pants off a 68000
in most applications, and in graphics applications
it comes pretty close. Some of the Macintosh
people might disagree with me, but there are ways
around most of the problems they see. An 8-MHz
65816 is about equivalent to a 16-MHz 68000 in
speed, and a 16-MHz 68000 doesn't exist.
BYTE: The Apple II family has been a great
success. and many innovations have come along to
extend its life. What things do you think were
responsib1e for its success?
WOZNIAK: For three years we were one of the
biggest business successes in history. We had
three years of fantastic business success. and
lately we've had three years of sort of dismal
business. We've grown, but any additional revenues
have just replaced the stock dilution, and the
price remains about the same.
During that three years there were two main
factors that led to our success - our floppy disk
and VisiCalc. Out of the original home computers,
which included the TRS-80 and the Commodore PET,
ours was the only one that had enough memory to
run VisiCalc. VisiCalc and the floppy disk sent
this company into the number-one position.
We were also very faithful to our users - we
tried to support everybody. When we changed over
to floppy disks, we still supported cassettes
heavily. When we moved up to the Apple II+ with
floating-point BASIC built in, we still supported
the original Apple II.
Lately our strategies seem to be changing. When
we come up with a new enhancement, we start moving
away from the prior version much more quickly.
This could be harmful to our good relationships
with a lot of our faithful users.
The Apple IIe is a good example. Most new
software that really uses the features of the
Apple IIe won't run properly on an Apple II or
II+. A lot of good software for the Apple II+
won't run on the Apple IIe. It's an incompatible
BYTE: How do you think the Apple II family
will be extended and improved in the
WOZNIAK: There are obvious areas. We're always
trying to come up with better combinations of
features and still reduce the cost. We're looking
into improved processors like the 65816 we
discussed before. Video resolution is always
improving. We're trying to increase speed and the
amount of memory in the machine because it's
critical to certain applications.
The IBM PC is very successful, and it had no
competition from Apple for the last three years
because we made sure that it didn't. We would not
allow the Apple II to compete in that market for
three years.
PCSD is the most difficult division in the
company. [Steve is referring to the Personal
Computer Systems Division, responsible for the
Apple II and Apple III products.] We're
hamstrung by the need to be compatible; Macintosh
So we will continue to make improvements and
produce new machines, but they'll always be
compatible. With the Apple IIe we went to 128K,
80-column display, and double-resolution graphics.
We came out with the IIc portable.
Apple vs. IBM
BYTE: What did you mean when you said that
the Apple II was not allowed to compete in the IBM
WOZNIAK: Apple has never really supported the
Apple II in the business market. If you walk
around a trade show and look at the software
running on the IBM PC, you'll see that most of it
is a step above what's possible on today's Apple
II. They have more RAM that's easily addressed and
better access to hard-disk drives. Programs like
1-2-3 cannot be easily implemented on a 128K Apple
II, but IBM has a capable machine for that level
of software. Our machine has to be able to address
more memory and handle larger disk drives before
we can really start to compete with equivalent
software because IBM beats us in capability today.
We need better screen resolution, more memory, and
better speed. A 16-bit processor would help,
although "16-bit" really doesn't mean that
Whatever we do will be compatible, because we
don't want to alienate our existing customer base.
If we can come up with the right machine, then we
can start to talk about some really good software
and compete well with IBM. Even if we do, the new
features won't really be used right away.
BYTE: Have you said all that you meant to
say about where Apple is vis-a vis IBM and where
you personally feel that Apple has made its
WOZNIAK: I have both positive and negative
feelings about things Apple has done, but I'm
always honest. There is one real mistake that
Apple made, in my opinion, and this is very
subjective. It is symbolic of what could happen to
IBM with its PCjr.
We had become a huge business success in 1979.
We had really made it with our floppy disks and
VisiCalc, and it looked like we were going a long
way. So we decided it was time to start putting
together a real company, a big company. We needed
to start staffing up and hire a lot more
engineers. So we set the Apple III project in
The executive staff felt it understood the
Apple II market. After VisiCalc, it was perceived
that 90 percent of all Apple II's sold were going
to small businesses. Only 10 percent were going
into this home hobby market that we originally
thought was going to grow to be billions.
Originally we were a home hobby computer. Now,
suddenly, small businesses were buying Apple II's,
and they wanted more features - an 80-column
display, lowercase characters, maybe more graphics
modes and colors, and more memory. These were all
the things that one product, VisiCalc, led to.
According to any research we could dig up, many
people were buying the Apple II for small business
because it had a disk drive and it could run
VisiCalc. These weren't the people I was closest
to, so I kept my mouth shut because I was only one
out of the staff of 15. So we started staffing up
and building an organization and a management
structure based around doing this new product -
the Apple III.
The Apple III
We had some problems getting things done on
time with the Apple III because of (a) our lack of
experience as a group working together, and (b)
not being able to predict project lengths well
We started hiring intermediate levels of
managers. Sometimes the managers were getting
hired at a rate that added a completion date to
the project faster than it was getting
Around this time we started developing a
perception of market separations - good strong
separations between products so they don't
overlap. You don't want to design a product that
competes heavily with your own existing product. I
claim that's untrue. What you really don't want to
do is design a product that doesn't offer any more
than your existing product.
So we started setting up strong boundaries. The
Apple III would be our 80-column business machine
and have 90 percent of our market. The Apple II
would be our 40 column home/school machine and
have 10 percent of our market. The entire
executive staff was sure that once the Apple III
was out, the Apple II would stop selling in six
months. I felt really down, because this 10
percent were my friends - the hobbyists and home
The Apple III hurt Apple in many ways, but it
was a very well conceived product. And because we
were so successful with the Apple II, we decided
to build in an Apple II emulation mode to take
advantage of all the software that was out there.
The emulation mode did get built in, but, because
of our concept of market separations, it was a
very limited emulation. While our Apple II
customers were adding 80-column cards and 16K RAM
cards to their machines, we actually added chips
to the Apple III to prevent access to many of its
features during emulation mode. In emulation mode
you only had access to 48K of memory - you
couldn't use the 80-column display, the extra
graphics modes, or the extra memory. The emulation
mode wouldn't even run much of the existing Apple
II business software, and there wasn't much Apple
III software available.
Originally, we planned to deliver four
applications with the Apple III - word processing,
a spreadsheet, business graphics, and a database
program. Steve Jobs's thinking at the time was,
"People don't really want to buy a computer. They
don't want to know about microprocessors or cards
or buses. They want to buy VisiCalc - they want to
buy a solution." So we were going to provide the
four major solutions. But because we were having
problems managing the Apple III project while we
were building our management structure, we were
only able to deliver our operating system - SOS -
and VisiCalc, which was done by Personal Software
[which later became VisiCorp].
The Apple III shipped very late and had 100
percent hardware failures. This is very
subjective, and some people might disagree with
me. but I think we were trying to be too pure. We
wanted to do it on one PC board, not two, and it
didn't fit on one PC board. So we got a company
that could put three traces between two IC pins,
had them do the PC board, and 100 percent of the
Apple III's failed.
The Apple III is really very good, but we spent
three solid years keeping the Apple II down. and
now it's finally being allowed to grow in that
direction. We've come out with ProDOS, which is a
major improvement, and the ProFile [hard disk] is
available for the Apple II now. It's a good start.
I think they are going to find out that allowing
the Apple II to get there will improve the whole
Apple image.
The III will do very well in its established
vertical markets forever, but it really won't make
the huge success we thought it would. It may have
the best chance it's ever had. ProDOS is the best
way to get someone closer to SOS. We did SOS three
years ago, and the rest of the world hasn't caught
up or come close to it. Macintosh went in a
different direction, so I can't compare the two
BYTE: Is SOS really that good?
WOZNIAK: I think it's the finest operating
system on any microcomputer ever. It's the
greatest thing in the world, but I wish we gave
out listings of it.
BYTE: Wasn't it the first commercial system
that actually had installab1e device
WOZNIAK: Yes, the Apple II uses device drivers
in ROM, on the I/O cards, but they won't work on
the III because they depend on specific memory
locations. On the III, you load a device driver
into RAM for any device you add to a system, so
it's infinitely flexible. You can always change
it, correct bugs. and it's clean. But it's more
difficult for outside manufacturers, because they
have to supply a disk and instructions on how to
update your system. It would have been the best of
both worlds if you could plug in a card with a ROM
on it and if the first byte in the ROM were a 12,
for example, the system would recognize that the
ROM holds a device driver and link to it
automatically. That would have made it much easier
for the card manufacturer. It would have been
really easy to allow both techniques, but the
Apple III engineering group didn't want to do
anything the way it was done on the II. Marketing
just didn't have enough leadership and
Anyway, having the Apple III as a failure
didn't really hurt the company much. The Apple II
was still very healthy. but for the next three
years the Apple III hurt the company tremendously
because everyone in Apple knows how great a
machine the Apple III really is. It's a very clean
machine, it's easy to use, and it's really been
organized right with the operating system.
Unfortunately. we made it very difficult for
anyone to get access to the insides of the
machine. We had hired some very bright people who
figured, "This is the right way it should be done.
So we'll give out enough information to do this
and we won't give them any more, because they
might try to do something they're not supposed to
do." The right way for one person is not the right
way for another. We closed that machine up to
where somebody could have a very difficult time
finding out how to add their own I/O drivers. We
did not make it easy for the outside world. We
thought we wanted all of the markets for
You have to let the end users develop their own
standards. You've got to give them the freedom to
discover how they're going to use an operating
system, what sort of things they're going to buy.
And if you're really right and have provided a
good solution, that's where they're going to
settle. The thinking on the III was very much like
a religion in that it could only be done one way -
our way. We made it very difficult for outside
developers, instead of providing all the
information as we did with the Apple II.
BYTE: Has that attitude changed now?
WOZNIAK: No. It's still the most negative thing
in our whole company. and it will be for
I think that when a new market evolves, Iike
personal computers did, there's a period of time
when you've got to let the world go in all random
directions, and eventually it will subside because
it wants standardization. Then, once it's obvious
what the standards are, they should be heavily
supported by the manufacturer. You can't try to
dictate a standard.
The Apple II and The Apple III
When we came out with the Apple III, the
engineering staff canceled every Apple II
engineering program that was ongoing, in
expectation of the Apple IlI's success. Every
single one was canceled. We really perceived that
the Apple II would not last six months. So the
company was almost all Apple III people, and we
worked for years after that to try and tell the
world how good the Apple III was, because we
There is a lot to somebody's perception or
image of a machine and how good it is. How many of
my friends have them? How many people in the world
have them? The Apple III was a failure the first
year as a product - it had a bad image. When you
give a bad first impression, you can go for five
years trying to overcome it.
If you looked at our advertising and R&D
dollars, everything we did here was done first on
the III, if it was business related. Then maybe
we'd consider doing a sub-version on the II. To
make sure there was a good boundary between the
two machines, anything done on the II had to be
done on a lower level than on the III. Only now
are we discovering that good solutions can be
implemented on the II.
The Apple II was kept out of the business
market to keep the III going, to give our users
only one choice. We wanted to make the III the
success it hadn't become and that it deserved.
Unfortunately, we made sure that the Apple II
was nowhere close to the market that the [IBM] PC
took. We made sure the Apple II was not allowed to
have a hard disk or more than 128K of memory. At a
time when outside companies had very usable
schemes for adding up to a megabyte of memory, we
came up with a method of adding 64K to an Apple
IIe, which was more difficult to use and somewhat
limited. We refused to acknowledge any of the good
80-column cards that were in the outside world -
only ours, which had a iot of problems.
At one point during the Apple III development,
I wrote some fast disk routines for our Pascal
system on the II. And I got a lot of flak from
Apple III engineers who felt that they shouldn't
go on the Apple II. Nothing on the II should be
allowed to run as fast or faster than the Apple
III. That was the thinking that stuck with the
company for three solid years.
It was unfortunate the way things worked out,
because we probably put $100 million in
advertising, promotion, and research and
development into a product that was 3 percent of
our revenues. In that same time frame, think what
we could have done to improve the Apple II, or how
much could have been done by Apple to give us
products in IBM's market.
BYTE: Are you putting more resources to work
in that direction now?
WOZNIAK: Yes, but things don't change in six
months. In the Apple III we had a beautiful
machine, and we spent a lot of money to try and
emphasize that. We were trying to force the world
to finally accept the machine because we knew just
how good it was.
The PCjr had a poor initial reception like the
Apple III did. It came out in the wrong month -
the month when Macintosh was going to be perceived
as the leader. The PCjr was perceived as an
uninteresting product.
They may try for three years to overcome its
bad first impression. They may put a lot of their
corporate resources into trying to promote the
PCjr and lose sight of the PC. The PC will keep
selling because it's been accepted and there are a
lot of aftermarket companies out there selling
software and hardware for it. But if IBM neglects
it enough, we may have a chance to turn it over on
them in the next few years if we have a better
product. |