For win32 (Windows 98):
Scandskw [Drive] [/Allfixeddisks] [/Noninteractive] [/Preview] [/Oldfs]
[/Silent] [/Sageset:x] [/Sagerun:x]
Scandisk [passes above options to Scandskw in Windows.]
Drive The drive or drives to test.
/Allfixeddisks Test all fixed disks.
/Noninteractive Doesnt pause for additional user information. Displays
summary screens.
/Preview Test but doesnt fix any errors.
/Oldfs Changes the File System to normal Dos. Removes all long file names.
Destructive, cant be undone. Must be run from a Command Prompt.
/Silent Exits without displaying summary screens.
/Sageset:x Display the System Agent-Aware Setting dialog box and store the
settings in the SETn registry key.
/Sagerun:x Runs in unattended mode using the System Agent-aware settings in
the SETn registry key.