Office 97 Service Release 2 (SR-2) is a free update designed to keep you current with a number of recent fixes to Office 97, including the Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows Auto-Recalculation Patch. For detailed information please refer to the SR-2 Fact Sheet, at .

SR-2 is intended as a "one-stop" method of collecting various fixes developed for Office 97 (as such it is a good solution for large organizations, but also recommended for all Office 97 users). Please note that SR-2 is not a re-release of Office 97, nor will it include any new product features. Also, SR-2 will only run if Office 97 Service Release 1 (SR-1) has been installed on your computer. If you have not already downloaded or ordered SR-1 on CD, we invite you to do so soon by visiting .

When SR-2 is ready this summer, you'll be able to download it free off of the Office Web site (Internet Service Provider connect-time charges may apply), or order a free CD copy. The SR-2 Fact Sheet at the URL listed above will always have the latest news on availability. Another helpful resource is the SR-2 Frequently Asked Questions page, at .