; #########################################################################
;                          asmIRC v0.17 by zathan
;	  		(yeah, I know it sounds like "ass mIRC"...)
;                     http://members.tripod.com/zathan/
;  Goals:
;  1) make a working IRC client in 100% 32bit asm for windows.
;     (API calls are of course allowed, but everything else should be asm.)
;  2) make it support most other useful protocols (DCC, CTCP, PING, DNS...)
;  3) make it better than any other IRC clients for windows :)
;  4) make it 100% BitchX/TCL and other scripts compatible ;))
;  5) keep it free, and always release the source in good GNU spirit.
;  6) make it compile under MASM, TASM, NASM and any other that may show up
;  7) keep to hungarian notation
;  Credits:
;      Coding:  zathan
;      Help  :  Iczelion for his excellent tutors (win32asm.cjb.net)
;               Hutch for his masm32v3 pack with examples and template
;               Plushmm for his helpful tutor on wsprintf (cornsoup.cjb.net)
;               anyone else at #win32asm (EFNET) that answered my questions.
;  History:
;	 1999.03.08 : Finally got some time to continue making this.
;		        it works! still everything is pretty low level. 
;                   will release this as v0.17 later today.
;                   have to communicate with the irc server directly...
;			  read rfc 1459 for more info on how to do that...
;                   fast example for v0.17 users (type this in the box :-)): 
;                   /server irc.homelien.no 
;                   nick zathan
;                   join #win32asm
;                   privmsg #win32asm :Hi, asmIRC actually works!
;			  quit :you should try asmIRC too. :)
;			  bugs: 1) connection to server only works once, if you 
;                            disconnect then restart asmIRC... :-\
;	      		  2) if you receive a ping like: PING :irc.homelien.no
;		       	     you should reply with: PONG :irc.homelien.no 
;                            or you will ping out...
;				  3) no identd so use some freeware identd or stick 
;                            to irc servers that allow non identable users
;      1999.02.16 : After some very annoying troubles getting up the right
;                   edit/view windows and make them work I now have started
;                   implementing the WinSocketApi stuff. And it works!
;      1999.02.15 : Back to work after a few days with other things to do.
;      1999.01.27 : Got the window layout up. 
;      1999.01.25 : Began to code. zathan
; #########################################################################

        include         asmIRC.inc

        szCommandLine   dd ?
        hInstance     	dd ?

        invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
        mov hInstance, eax

        invoke GetCommandLine
        mov szCommandLine, eax

        invoke WinMain,hInstance,NULL,szCommandLine,SW_SHOWDEFAULT
        invoke ExitProcess,eax
end start