Session log format

97/04/20 23:30:59 #u2 | anonymous,,,128,3.6,342231,441668,35,3,2,3,3,0,4,8,1,3,3,0,1,0

Date and time: When the remote client was logged out and disconnected.

Child number: The name of the child process that served the client connection.

User: Username attempted to login as, or anonymous for anonymous FTP users. Note that this field does not imply that user was successfully logged in. There are two special values here: REFUSED and DENIED. The latter refers to remote clients who were refused a connection (or disconnected immediately) because the server was at its max user limit; the former refers to users disconnected immediately because the client address was rejected by TCP Wrappers.

Email: Email address as entered by the anonymous FTP user at the password prompt. Will be blank for non-anonymous users.

Host: IP or hostname of the remote host the client is originating from.

Session time: Total number of seconds user was logged in to the server.

Time between commands: Average number of seconds between FTP commands.

Bytes retrieved: Total bytes downloaded.

Bytes Stored: Total bytes uploaded.

Number of commands: Total number of commands the remote FTP client issued.

Retrieves: Total number of retrieves (downloads) attempted.

Stores: Total number of stores (uploads) attempted.

Chdirs: Number of directory changes attempted.

NLSTs: Number of directory listings (short mode).

LISTs: Number of directory listings (detailed mode).

Types: Number of transfer type changes.

PORT/PASV: Number of data connection address specifications.

PWD: Number of print working directory requests.

SIZE: Number of file size requests.

MDTM: Number of file modification time requests.

SITE: Number of site commands.

Logins: Number of successful logins.

Failed Data Connections: Number of data connections that could not be established due to some sort of an error (i.e. timed-out during connect).

Transfer log format
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