FNT or BMP to C Data Table converter
Many thanks to Francisco Ares [francisco.a at altec.com.br] for contributing
this great little Windows program!
How to use
Double click the icon labeled Font/Bitmap Converter
Select File|Open
In the Open dialog, select the type of file (Font Files or Bitmap Files)
Note that the program only reads fixed-pitch bitmap fonts (i.e., no truetype
fonts or variable pitch fonts).
Navigate to the correct directory and select the file
Click OK in the Open dialog
The program will prompt you for the output file
Navigate to the correct directory and specify a file (note that an existing
file will be written over)
The program will convert the font/bitmap file into a stream of bytes readable
by any C compiller in the output file.
Close the program (the caption bar says it is inactive).
The output file contains descriptions in comments about the original font/bitmap
file as well as a stream of bytes representing the font/bitmap.
A few notes:
The program doesn't like directory names that are longer than 8 characters.
It will not be able to open files in "My Documents" for example.
It also doesn't like anything other than black and white BMP files.