Hi fellow piclisters I too have been a long standing member of the PIC community, used the early PIC 16Cxxx devices going back to the mid nineties. Joined the PIC community, twenty-noughties and found a wealth of information covering a wide range of technical subjects, not just PIC related. The technical expertise and knowledge of the vast majority of contributors was amazing and of great help in keeping up with a fast moving technology. Olin's pithy comments and Russell's 'black holes', indicative of a lively and engaged group, kept me coming to the inbox for the next postings. Such a pity that things have come to be that interest seems to be waning in the exchange of ideas and information on Piclist. Nothing lasts forever, all things come to pass. On Fri, Dec 20, 2019, 1:47 AM RussellMc wrote: > I've been a PICList member for 20+ years. > > On Sat, 21 Dec 2019 at 00:18, Alexandre Souza < > alexandre.tabajara@gmail.com> > wrote: > > > > When I began using piclist, some 15 years ago, it was a free place to > > chat. You could bring any reasonable subject without lots of rules and > have > > a very friendly chat > > Nowadays, there are lots and LOTS of rules. I've been away from piclist > > for some years and now that I'm back, there are tags, rules, rules, > rules, > > more rules and no talking. > > > > I'm not aware of this being the case. > It would be useful if you could point me/us to the source of the rules yo= u > refer to. > Are you referring to others than those outlined below? > > About the only ones I'm aware of are > > 1. Restrictions on discussing certain non technical subjects which tend t= o > cause arguments and bad feeling between people - whether on PICList or mo= st > other places. There ARE many places where such things can be discussed an= d > the bad feelings go with the territory. > Examples that come to mind without checking a list are - politics, > religion, war, sex. > > 2. People should be treated well. No abuse, unconstructive criticism, > profanity, or adverse comments or treatment based on ethnicity/race/gende= r > / ... . > > > These seem like fairly standard fare for a technically oriented list. Apa= rt > from that discussion on a wide range of subjects is welcome. > > Subject tags are provided to allow people to view or not view areas of > interest. These place no added restrictions on the users apart from the > need to put "[xxx" in the subject line where "xxx" is one of the assigne= d > subject tags. > > > > Russell McMahon > -- > http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > View/change your membership options at > http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist > --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .