Well, folks. I wimped out and bought a BlackBox DB25/RS-232 converter. It should be at our front door, porch pirates not withstanding, in a couple of weeks. Fourty years ago, I interfaced a speech synthesizer board with the Syntronix interface for an Apple II computer. It took me several weeks to get it working correctly. The speech board had a Busy line data flow stopper and the Apple II printer card needed the ACK signal which is a pulse of about 500 nanoseconds. I ended up taking the Busy line from the speech board and it's trailing edge fired a 74-121 pulse generator chip. I seem to recall that you can make it fire on either the leading edge or trailing edge by wiring a couple of pins differently. I learned a bunch of things in that project back in 1979, one of them is to be paranoid about good grounding. Some of the noise on the ground wire from the data lines going up and down looked a lot like ACK pulses so the speech was a bit skippy and cleaned up a lot when there were no extra pulses that looked like ACK's. Hopefully, this converter will let me sample the output of the parallel port well enough to do the BIOS setups when needed. I figure the extra dough which was not a terrible outlay buys time that would just get otherwise wasted and I can get on with other things. Martin --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .