As I have the data sheet for the PIC16F877 in the form of the file 30292c.pdf, I am starting out with the same raw material everybody else is probably using. Just this part of the knowledge acquisition process used to be a royal pain for anybody who is blind since you first had to obtain the paper copy and find somebody with the patience to read it to you. If they knew something about electronics, this was a boon as they weren't confused as to what they were reading and everything went along more smoothly. When one got to the pinout, the practice was usually to read that in to a tape recorder and then the person needing the information could write it down in Braille. It usually ends up in columns starting with a pin number followed by enough text to identify the purpose of that pin. Nowadays, if one is lucky, the data sheet or book is a portable document format or pdf file that is not a scanned image but a file containing the actual text formatted so that a printer will produce the book with all the pictures in the right spots and everybody gets what they need. In this case, Microchip has really done a great job and seems to have done everything one would hope so that we can wring every drop of information out of the file and nothing is wasted. I have a notebook full of Braille pages full of pinouts to various chips I have wire-wrapped over the years in to projects so the first thing I will do to use the PIC16F877 is to write such a chart for the 40-pin DIP packages I have. When I got to the pinout which is Table 1-2, I realized there is a problem. The software we all use for reading PDF files may differ. Some may be using Adobe Acrobat and I use something called pdftotext which extracts ASCII text in reading order which is actually the desired format most of the time as it makes the most sense. Table 1-2 might not be a problem if there was only 1 40-pin package but there are 3 footprint styles and only one is the traditional DIP package which, if you look from the bottom is 1-20 with 1 in the upper right and 20, lower right. Pin 21 is lower left and you count up to 40 which is across the chip from 1. I need to know it that way with the other 40 and 44-pin footprints being a couple of surface-mount patterns that one absolutely does not want to get mixed up with what is the correct pattern in this case. I don't know a better smoke generator than wrong pin numbers which are about as good as AC line voltage on the VCC pin. When you look at a proper screen rendering of Table 1-2, how do you know for sure which Pin belongs to which footprint? Is it color or do all the 40 pins for the DIP package show up in a pattern resembling the solder side of the board? These markup languages like XML, html or others embed codes that dictate the position on the page for every drop of ink plus what color it should be. One can run pdf files through various filters that perform different functions. If I knew what is done to differentiate all the 40-pin DIP listings from the one remaining 40-pin pattern and a 44-pin footprint, I might be able to sort this out more easily. This practice is common to most of the PIC data sheets so I want to see if it can be mechanized so one gets only the pattern they need without accidentally including wrong pinouts from other patterns. For those who mess around with text processing, perl is great for writing helper programs for situations like this as long as you know what it is you are looking for. On a general note, when it comes to making information accessible to all, we generally have many more tools these days than used to exist so what I just described is not a complaint as much as it is a hunt for ideas to fix the problem. Not being able to get the information at all used to be the norm and there were lots of complaints about that so we definitely do have progress. Martin McCormick --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .