Hi James, Interesting experiment. To help me confirm I understood your test I did the math and all was well until I got to the second set of readings. The calculated voltages at the input pin are below. I am curious how you determined equivalent Input Pin Internal resistance. .. > Pull-up Resistance to 3.00V: 0.994M-ohm > Current: 2.28nA > (Equivalent Input Pin Internal Resistance =3D 1.3G-ohm) > 2.964V > > Pull-up Resistance to 3.00V: 99.5k-ohm > Current: 16.6nA > (Equivalent Input Pin Internal Resistance =3D 181M-ohm) 3.0046V > Pull-up Resistance to 3.00V: 9.66k-ohm > Current: 43.7nA > (Equivalent Input Pin Internal Resistance =3D 68.6M-ohm) > 2.99782V > Pull-up Resistance to 3.00V: 1.00k-ohm > Current: 51.8nA > (Equivalent Input Pin Internal Resistance =3D 57.9M-ohm) > 2.99922V > > --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .