That diagram looks just like the ones in the PIC microcontroller=20 datasheets. There's a spec for the max current those diodes can handle=20 (IIRC called clamp current), from which you can calculate the series=20 current-limiting resistor value. Also from memory for 12V protection, I had worked out to something=20 around 400 ohms, and just use 1k on the analog input. Cheers, -Neil. On 5/17/2017 11:18 PM, James Cameron wrote: > I'm missing something terribly obvious, can anyone point it out? > > Assuming an MCP3002 powered from 3.3V, but an analog signal that may > swing up to X volts, what minimum series resistance is needed given > the maximum rating of Vdd + 0.6V? > > > > See also Figure 4-1; how to protect the diodes between the CHx pin and > the Vdd pin. > > In general, I'd be happy with a quite large resistor. I'm just > curious as to what the minimum would be, because I couldn't find it in > the datasheet. > --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .