Hi all, I asked a little while ago about making a simple low voltage cutoff circuit - thanks for all the help. I've finally got my hands on the kit, and it is a single cell external battery with a built in protection circuit. This plugs into a tracker which has it's own internal battery and the idea is that once the external battery has discharged it switches to the internal battery, however this never happens. I've pretty much nailed down the issue to be that the tracker browns out at about 3.3V. Therefore the external battery is never hitting the cutoff in the built in protection circuit. The tracker is also not switching to the internal battery (as it will do if I switch off the external battery) as it continues to try and use the external battery despite it not having enough voltage to run it properly. So we come back to the need for a cutoff circuit, with required cutoff about 3.4V, required current very low. But it occurred to me that all I actually need is a single cell protection circuit with a custom cutoff voltage. to replace the existing one - which would be a far neater solution. So does such a thing exist, or is there any way to modify a standard circuit to do that? Thanks, Chris --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .