I too have been away from PIC tinkering for quite some time. Been playing with the Pi boards as well. Unless one needs the weight of a multitasking OS and heavy duty network support, I'm a fan of ARM Cortex chips. For me, they seem to be a good middle ground between small microcontrollers and Linux or Android based boards. I have to admit that I got sucked into the Arduino world because of the C compiler. Now that the ide supports larger, faster ARM boards, I'm really finding it hard to justify fighting with PIC assembler. Especially with the cheap ESP8266 boards available. Up to 160MHz 32 bit and usable WiFi make for a neat tinkertoy. That is, after you blow away the preloaded firmware and install an Arduino compatible boot loader. That all said, I'm fairly impressed with the speed and peripherals of the 18F45K22 that I had to flash for my Renard SSR based Christmas light controller. I've really been out of touch with the advancement of the 8 bit PICs. --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .