Neil, The PIC18Fx5K80/x6K80 family has been in production for a while and has the 12 bit ADC module. I've used them in several commercial designs over the pa= st several years. Performance of the ADC is quite good. Matt Pobursky Maximum Performance Systems On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 19:32:37 -0400, Neil wrote: > Nice, but are they available yet? > > On a related note, I recently discovered they announced, but have not yet > released, a PIC18F with a 12-bit A/D. > > Cheers, > -Neil. > > > On 8/31/2016 7:20 PM, Isaac M. Bavaresco wrote: >> Did anybody notice that Microchip released a few PIC32MZxxxxEFH that >> can run at 250 MHz? >> >> I think they will be head to head with Atmel's Cortex-M7 at 300 MHz. >> >> Cheers, >> >> Isaac --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .