The pic12f1822 pwm example code from microchip (package na= me=20 "Setting up the standard PWM peripheral on a PIC12F1822" linked from pic12f= 1822 page does not seem to work. I programmed the included hex file into a pic 12f182= 2, the code in the pic verifies okay wrt the file, but the led turns on dimly and stays= that way. 2.3V measured (integrated) on pin 5. All other pins behave as expected, MCLR is = pulled up with 10K to +5V. Does anyone actually check these examples? Has anyone made this particular = example=20 work as is (hex file in package, there is only one). I might have a bad pic= but I have a doubt. Along the same line of thought, are pic code example packages to be trusted= as is, or does one exercise, shall we say, "ard**no code level verification", before use. = I had expected the silly led to blink, was testing a new programmer actually. Eventually one n= eeds to trust=20 someone, eh? I'm okay with building everything from scratch, even the progr= ammer and its driver if needed, did that before, will again, but... ?! One can waste = days with these things for no good reason. --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .