Good day to all. I'm looking for a single-color SMT LED that gives me reasonable=20 brightness when operating at less than 1mA current. Neither size or color is critical - what I'm after is lowest cost=20 combined with highest brightness. Here's where I'm coming from. We currently use 5mm through-hole LEDs in most of our boards. The=20 green and blue LEDs are stunningly bright - even when run from only=20 0.2mA or so. I've spent significant time looking for SMT versions of bright=20 LEDs. Unfortunately, most of the offerings from Digikey are way less=20 than 1000 mcd when running at 20mA. I need reasonable brightness=20 when running from 0.5mA or so. I'm in the design phase right now but I'm at the point where I have=20 to make decisions regarding the voltage dividers that these LEDs are=20 in series with. These decisions ripple through my entire design, up=20 to and including the power supply. Because these LEDs are near screw-terminal blocks, physical size=20 isn't an issue. But I want machine-installable LEDs - ideally with a=20 flat top (as opposed to a dome top). Initial annual quantity would be in excess of 10k but will be=20 increasing as I migrate more of my current through-hole designs to SMT. I'm okay with Asian suppliers so long as the product that I receive=20 is of consistently high quality. I'm hoping that someone can refer me to a supplier. Many thanks! dwayne --=20 Dwayne Reid Trinity Electronics Systems Ltd Edmonton, AB, CANADA 780-489-3199 voice 780-487-6397 fax 888-489-3199 Toll Free Custom Electronics Design and Manufacturing --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .