I'm using a PIC18F97J94. I'm trying to get the ADC to continuously scan AN0 through AN12. It appears it scans once and stops. http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/30575A.pdf#page=3D480 shows a sequence to autoscan all inputs. I'm seeing the ADIF flag being set, but can't tell if I'm supposed to do something to start scanning again from AN0. I'm not using an interrupt. My code is just accessing the results directly in the "per channel" buffer. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? My ADC initialization code is below. THANKS! Harold ADCON1Hbits.MODE12=3D1; // 12 bit results // Uses Vdd and Vss as reference by default ADCON3Hbits.ADRC=3D1; // Use RC clock for ADC ADCON3Hbits.PUMPEN=3D1; // enalbe charge pump for switches ADCON3Hbits.SAMC=3D31; // longest sample time ANCON2bits.ANSEL13=3D0; // AN13 is digital ANCON2bits.ANSEL14=3D0; ANCON2bits.ANSEL15=3D0; ANCON3=3D0; // all the rest of the adc inputs are digital // Default channel select for mux A is positive on AN0, negative on Vss ADCSS0H=3D0x1f; // Scan AN12 - AN8 ADCSS0L=3D0xff; // Scan AN7 - AN0 ADCON2Hbits.BUFREGEN=3D1; // Put results in scanned regesters ADCON2Hbits.CSCNA=3D1; //Scan inputs ADCON2Lbits.SMPI=3D12; // ADIF goes high after every 13 samples (13 channels) ADCON2Lbits.BUFM=3D0; // single 26 position buffer ADCON5Hbits.ASENA=3D1; // auto scan ADCON1Lbits.ASAM=3D1; // Auto sample. Start a new conversion on completing one. ADCON1Lbits.SSRC=3D7; // More of autoconvert ADON=3D1; // Start ADC ADCON1Lbits.SAMP=3D1; // start sampling --=20 FCC Rules Updated Daily at http://www.hallikainen.com Not sent from an iPhone. --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .