Compiled languages targeting both Linux and Windows include C, C#, Java, and Visual Basic (the .NET version, a completely different animal than VB 6 or VBA; do not expect expertise to transfer). On Windows, the primary development environment is Visual Studio. Express and Community editions are free. Visual Studio does not support Java out of the box, but there are add-ins. MonoDevelop is commonly used on Linux, but is also available on Windows. MonoDevelop is no cost. The primary development environments for the Java platform are NetBeans, Eclipse, and BlueJ. The primary development environments for the Android platform (Java language, different libraries and ecosystem) are Android Studio, to some extent IntelliJ and Eclipse. Everything so far is no cost. There are commercial solutions for running .NET on Android, as well. Both the Java and .NET platforms supply standardized ways to talk with serial lines. Windows and Linux talk with USB ports very differently; both Java and .NET operating-specific libraries exist and are no cost. --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .