Long range amateur "party balloon" (or other) tracking systems using (mainly) amateur WSPRNET. Interestig both as-is and for possible other applications. Transatlantic (USA- Europe) flights of up to over 10,000km have been achieved and tracked. Hackaday http://hackaday.com/2015/10/02/party-balloon-crosses-atlantic-tours-europe-= phones-home/ WSPRnet I I have not read details - Amateur licence required to use if 'ham bands' used. But may be able to be used with other licences or licence free if net operators cooperated. *The Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network is a group of amateur radio operators using K1JT's MEPT_JT digital mode to probe radio frequency propagation conditions using very low power (QRP/QRPp) transmissions. The software is open source, and the data collected are available to the public through this site.* http://wsprnet.org/drupal/ _____________ *Flight S-4, 21-Aug-2015* This is flight VE3KCL S-4 at 10,288 km but others also on site and kitsets to DIY your own at good prices. Map is Googlabet based and can be zoomed and dragged. Smoothness / lack of granularity of trace during large portions of transat;lantic section suggest only occaqsional position updates (as might be expected). Two foil "party" balloons filled with hydrogen. Launched 21-Aug-2015 13:40 UT. The balloon crossed the Atlantic quickly at around 8,000m altitude. It crossed France, Luxembourg, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Estonia, Sweden again, Norway, and finally landed in the Norwegian sea. The flight lasted almost 6 days and travelled over 10,000km. http://qrp-labs.com/ultimate3/ve3kcl-balloons/ve3kcl-s4.html ____________________ Flight S5 has more 'narration' http://qrp-labs.com/ultimate3/ve3kcl-balloons/ve3kcl-s5.html _____________________ QRP labs shop Prices appear excessively reasonable :-) http://qrp-labs.com/ultimate3/ve3kcl-balloons.html --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .