This is an advertisement for paid training seminars being held at the=20 Regional Training Center in MA by myself in cooperation with IEEE and=20 Microchip. Hands on PIC Microcontroller Hardware DATE: 5/12/15 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm COURSE DESCRIPTION: A hands on experience designing hardware and=20 firmware with Microchip PIC processors by use of a simple example.=20 Students will wire up their prototype, write the code, and debug=20 their project working on a PICDEM Lab Development Kit DM163045 that=20 they will take home at the end of the seminar. Full session details=20 are available at PREREQUISITES: Basic familiarity with PIC Microprocessors and MPLABX REQUIRED: Students should bring their own computer. Payment 2 weeks in adva= nce. FEE: $249.00 per person. Schematic Capture and PCB Layout with Open Source KiCad DATE: 5/13/15 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm COURSE DESCRIPTION: Schematic capture and PCB layout tools can be=20 expensive. Sharing designs using commercial tools is a problem if=20 everyone does not have the same tools. KiCad is a free open source=20 tool set that runs on Windows Linux or Macintosh and is as feature=20 rich as tools costing thousands of dollars per module. Full session=20 details are available at PREREQUISITES: Basic familiarity of Schematic Capture and PCB Layout REQUIRED: Students should bring their own computer. Payment 1 week in advan= ce. FEE: $199.00 per person. Larry G. Nelson Sr. PE --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .