It is a long time since I last used a TRIAC driver, but the circuits I used (with the MOC3063) had a resistor between the gate and MT1, to ensure any leakage current could not build enough voltage to trigger a sensitive-gate TRIAC. Isaac On 24/02/2015 02:52, wrote: > Hi Everyone - > Well, after probably 15 years lurking, a couple of posted responses and a= few private ones, I have my very first question of the list! > > I am having some trouble with a triac phase control circuit (attached) wh= ere I am getting a half wave conduction fault with the triacs. (This is a f= ailure mode where the triac conducts for half a cycle even with no gate sig= nal.) I have found numerous references to this failure mode around the web = but never any clue as to its cause. The load is either a resistive heater p= ad or a blower. Neither are of high power - about 100W - and I have found t= he fault with both types of loads. I have seen no sign of over-heating, nor= of any other stress. The triacs trigger properly on the other half cycle. > > Any ideas as to the cause of this type of fault? I am at a loss... > > Cheers > Stephen > > > > --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .