On 21 January 2015 at 07:38, Richard R. Pope wrote= : > Arduino ... book ... > There is such an utterly vast amount of free material online for Arduino that a for $ book would seem unnecessary. I've had a quickish look through a few and the available quality of enough of them seems high enough as to be worth having a deeper look. I also found what looked to be a very comprehensive book on the subject available in PDF form from several locations and for $ from quite a few more. It seems likely that the free ones are stolen, but I have asked the publisher "just in case". Arduino programming notebook Free (CC by Sa 3) 37 pages Knows his stuff. Relatively short. http://playground.arduino.cc/uploads/Main/arduino_notebook_v1-1.pdf _____________________________________________ Introduction to Arduino 162 pages http://www.princeton.edu/~ffab/media___downloads_files/IntroArduinoBook.pdf _____________________________________________ Guide 27 pages http://www.me.umn.edu/courses/me2011/arduino/arduinoGuide.pdf _____________________________________________ Tutorial' 37pp http://www.control.aau.dk/~jdn/edu/doc/arduino/litt/ArduinoTutorials.pdf _____________________________________________ ADAFruit 39 pages Tips tricks Techniques https://learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/arduino-tips-tricks-and-techniques= ..pdf _____________________________________________ University of Rhode Island. Vast resource "Learning" 600+ pages. Links. Vastly varied http://www.ele.uri.edu/courses/ele205/ELE205Lab/ELE205_Lab.html Index- heaps ... http://www.ele.uri.edu/courses/ele205/ELE205Lab/ELE205_Lab.html Language reference 674 pages of stuff + 237 pages of Junk-DNA http://www.ele.uri.edu/courses/ele205/ELE205Lab/ELE205_Lab_files/Arduino%20= -%20Reference.pdf In a nutshell 20 pages http://www.ele.uri.edu/courses/ele205/ELE205Lab/ELE205_Lab_files/Arduino%20= In%20A%20Nutshell%201.6_1.pdf This is the ?stolen? book. I was not going to reference it but as they have it here it may be that it has been made available by the writer. Universities are usually careful with such things. This looks to be a useful enough book that I will pursue re cusage with publishers and with writer if their answer seems disingenuous. Use at your own moral risk :-) Beginning Arduino Programming. 270 pages. http://www.ele.uri.edu/courses/ele205/ELE205Lab/ELE205_Lab_files/Arduino%20= Introduction%20to%20programming.pdf Here we go: Brian Evans is an artist working in electronic media and Assistant Professor of Art at Metropolitan State University of Denver, where he teaches multidisciplinary courses in art on topics that include electronics and digital fabrication _________________________ I assume that you are aware of the 'official' tutorials http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage And official 'foundations' http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Foundations ____________________ Some useful stuff http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/ This man does goodish looking tutorials on various Arduino themes eg http://www.righto.com/2009/07/secrets-of-arduino-pwm.html > ........... ..... .... .... .... . . . ..... .. . . . . Russell --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .