Most people will be aware of the acoustic breakthrough effect of the GSM mobile phone system where signals are introduced into audio systems which are otherwise immune to RF effects. This tends to happen sometimes during a call, often before a call or occasionally whenever else it seems to feel like doing it. I've noticed a similar effect occurring about this time each year over a period of about 49 hours, depending where on earth you are - but the effect seems more widespread than the GSM aberration - affecting at least all men (and so presumably all people) and maybe more than that. Rather than GSM's annoying brach, brach,... signal this sounds (although I doubt it's actually an acoustic effect) more like a half heard 'ho ho ho', patter of many feet (hooves?), tinkling of little bells (more melodic and random - neither the cathedral nor European cow bell style), and strains of , if the impression can be conveyed, angelic voices, solicitations of good will, peace on earth, willings of good to ALL, and, if such can really be really being conveyed in such ephemeral manner, urgings re universal brother-sister-childer-hood and unity). Unfortunately, while there may be a momentary blip, this "event" does not seem to correlate well with any significant long term or year long improvement wrt all the bad things that seem to be going down all over? Has anyone else noted this effect? How can I build something elecronic to do this. How much energy would it take to achieve this all day every day all year long. Russell McMahon Ho ho ho. --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .