On 1 August 2014 11:50, John Gardner wrote:=0A= =0A= > Must be that time...=0A= >=0A= >=0A= > http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/space/improbable-thruster-seems-work-vi= olating-known-laws-physics/=0A= >=0A= >=0A= > http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2014-07/31/nasa-validates-impossible-= space-drive=0A= =0A= =0A= Yielding:=0A= =0A= A propellantless space drive!=0A= A terrestrial hover-force generator :-)=0A= This LOOKS much more real.=0A= (Even if NASA say it seems to work)=0A= =0A= Good Q&A=0A= =0A= http://emdrive.com/faq.html=0A= =0A= reformated at=0A= =0A= http://www.scoop.it/t/emdrive=0A= =0A= They go out of their way to emphasise compliance with conventional physics.= =0A= =0A= Luke Skywalker's / Star-Wars hover ute is hidden in Q18!!!=0A= [Expected] 3 tons of force at 1 kW in version 2, they say!=0A= Note this is static force - to get translational thrust you need more power= =0A= - which is as it should be.=0A= =0A= _____________=0A= =0A= 2012 Chinese peer reviewed independent "confirmation"=0A= Better results than NASA but of same nature=0A= 12 pages=0A= " .... The results show that: *Based on classical electromagnetic=0A= theory, *creating=0A= a propellantless microwave=0A= propulsion system can produce a net thrust; when the microwave source=0A= output is 2.45GHz, with a=0A= microwave power of 80-2500W, the propulsion produced by the thruster is=0A= located in the range of=0A= 70-720mN, and the total measurement error is less than 12%. .... "=0A= =0A= http://www.emdrive.com/yang-juan-paper-2012.pdf=0A= =0A= ____________=0A= =0A= http://www.emdrive.com/IAC13paper17254.v2.pdf=0A= =0A= IAC-13,C4,P,44.p1,x17254=0A= THE DYNAMIC OPERATON OF A HIGH Q EMDRIVE MICROWAVE THRUSTER=0A= Roger Shawyer C.Eng. MIET. FRAeS=0A= SPR Ltd UK sprltd@emdrive.com=0A= _____________=0A= =0A= *Somewhat related:*=0A= =0A= *Terrestrial dark matter detector using signal generated=0A= in Josephson Junctions by passage through the galactic DM halo [tm].*=0A= =0A= http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.231801= =0A= =0A= *2013 - Josephon Junction interactions with Dark Matter [tm] ?*=0A= =0A= Possible Resonance Effect of Axionic Dark Matter in Josephson Junctions=0A= =0A= =0A= Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 231801 - Published 2 December 2013=0A= ABSTRACT=0A= =0A= We provide theoretical arguments that dark-matter axions from the galactic= =0A= halo that pass through Earth may generate a small observable signal in=0A= resonant S/N/S Josephson junctions. The corresponding interaction process= =0A= is based on the uniqueness of the gauge-invariant axion Josephson phase=0A= angle modulo 2=F0 and is predicted to produce a small Shapiro steplike=0A= feature without externally applied microwave radiation when the Josephson= =0A= frequency resonates with the axion mass. A resonance signal of so far=0A= unknown origin observed by C. Hoffmann *et al*. [Phys. Rev. B 70, 180503(R)= =0A= (2004)] is consistent with our theory and can be interpreted in terms of an= =0A= axion mass mac2=3D0.11 meVand a local galactic axionic dark-matter density = of=0A= 0.05 GeV/cm3. We discuss future experimental checks to confirm the=0A= dark-matter nature of the observed signal.=0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= -- =0A= http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive=0A= View/change your membership options at=0A= http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist=0A= .