IVP, The one that burns me is the one that uses terms like our business=20 increased 200%. First of all 200% is not a doubling. It is an increase=20 of four times. Second of all is they don't tell you that last year they=20 sold 12 pieces and this year they sold 24 pieces. They make it sound=20 like they went from 400M to 800M. Yeah, right. Very rarely do I see=20 percent being used correctly. It is the number raised to the power of=20 the percent. 300% is eight times not a tripling. And yes you are correct about companies that sell cheap stuff that=20 people won't waste the time and effort to complain about. This is a lot=20 like our police department. If you don't report the crime then the crime=20 didn't happen. We have the lowest crime rate in the area but this isn't=20 because crimes aren't happening here it is because the police ignore the=20 crimes unless it involves a bigwig or someone just jumps up and down=20 screaming and yelling about it. Another one is this drive to legalize MJ. Somehow it is being seen=20 as a harmless drug. This is a lie. It is a very dangerous drug. In one=20 year there are definitive measurable and permanent changes to the brain.=20 In five years of constant and regular use the person is no longer able=20 to do higher math functions. Some people are loosing the ability to=20 speak clearly and concisely by then. The damage is wide spread and=20 permanent. it clearly shows up in a MRI. The whites, yellows, and blues=20 are gone. They have been replaced by orange, red, and worst of all=20 black. Black shows little or no brain function. MJ can not be used. It can only be abused just like cigarettes.=20 Alcohol can be used or it can be abused. Unfortunately most people now=20 abuse alcohol. MJ combines the worst of alcohol and cigarettes. MJ also=20 destroys the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, and spleen. In 15 years it=20 does the same amount of damage that a heavy smoker and drinker does in=20 25-30 years. Also because MJ is being viewed as being harmless more and more=20 people are toking and driving. MJUIs, that is MJ under the influence,=20 now out number DUIs in CA. It is awful. The police are for all practical=20 purposes ignoring MJ violations. Our dictator Obama decreed that federal MJ laws in places that have=20 legalized it locally shall not be enforced by the justice department. It=20 is a crime for a law enforcement officer to ignore a crime that is in=20 progress. But the highest law enforcement officer in our country is=20 doing exactly that. We have already lost one generation to MJ and now we=20 are going to lose a second. Enough rant. I had to get this off my chest. My opinion and two=20 cents worth. Thanks, rich! On 7/25/2014 8:56 PM, IVP wrote: >> for every customer that complained there were 9 others that didn't > That is partly my problem with some products. If the product is > cheap enough then some (many ?) people might consider chasing > --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .