Russell, You have made several very good points and these could be a=20 possible solution. But printed materials are the easiest thing for me to=20 use and to learn from. I can have two or three books open at the same=20 time and I can jump back and forth between these books. Finances are very difficult for me and now I am going to have to=20 start saving to completely replace my computer system. Argh! Oh, linux,=20 oh linux. Looks better and better all of the time. A tablet would=20 probably be a good solution as a second to printed books. You know they=20 were saying 20 years ago that every thing would eventually go paperless.=20 In fact there were predictions that this would happen by the year 2000.=20 Hum, more paper than ever now. I'll start looking into tablets but I have gotten comfortable with=20 being able to check mail, do research on the net, write programs for=20 Windows and uPs, burn the code into the uP, and then test it all from=20 the system and leave all of the programs running at the same time. Sometimes I'll take a break, leave the programs running and load=20 one of my games. I'll play that for a while and then go back to the=20 other stuff and leave the game running in the background. I got used to=20 doing this on my Amiga and the computer systems of today with XP, Linux,=20 MacOS, and I would guess Win7 and 8 can finally do that. This is the way=20 I work. I truly multitask. I figure I only have a few years left on the=20 planet and I am trying to make the most of them. I appreciate the=20 understanding and the ideas. Thanks rich! On 7/3/2014 11:13 PM, RussellMc wrote: >> True but I still have the problem of reading on the screen. The >> books make it possible and the screen doesn't. The pain level is just to >> high. > > Maybe a Kindle or equivalent, or possibly a bottom end tablet that can be > positioned as required, with font and appearance adapted to suit - probab= ly > an available feature in a number of 'apps' already. Maybe even a small LC= D > screen mounted on an arm or similar and able to be positioned to suit. > (Here it's ot so that small old LCD screens cost about as much as bottom > end Arduinos). > > I'm aware of your mention of financial constraints. If a technical soluti= on > was available that worked and opened up web access to you when it was > otherwise impractical, the way the world often works (surprisingly) is th= at > finance may come to not be an issue. (I have absolutely nothing specific = in > mind finance wise - I just know that it is usually not a barrier to havin= g > something like this happen if the solution is otherwise viable). > > > Russell --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .