This could properly go in [TECH] but I'll move it one slot down the hierachy. "Evidence for elevated and spatially variable geothermal flux beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet" PNAS-2014-Schroeder-1405184111.pdf Dustin M. Schroeder, Donald D. Blankenship, Duncan A. Young, and Enrica Quartini Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78758 Edited by Mark H. Thiemens, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, and approved May 8, 2014 (received for review March 19, 2014) PNAS Early Edition | Commendably prompt passage through the pipeline. Full text original here - free access. Annoying windowed format (can be rearranged). Can be saved to dis[c|k] =3Df55e3728-3307-4e42-8a32-b3dec51e56eb Supporting information (2 pages) Dataset ..201405184SI.pdf ... nan nan nan ... :-) ____________________ There is a vast amount on web about this paper, already. Quite apart from what "the data says", care needs to be taken to see what the authors actually say, and what can or cannot be reasonably inferred from their statements. A significant number of people are making statements re what the authors have said which appear to not match what I've seen so far. ________________ Read what they say knowing that their professional reputations, jobs and future income depend on their being seen to be not straying too far from received truth. This does not change what they report or even guarantee that any given interpretation of what they say is correct - but it helps to understand the language they are liable to adopt regardless of what they conclude. ___________________________ >From a highlighted summary box in their report. Significance Thwaites Glacier is one of the West Antarctica's most prominent, rapidly evolving, and potentially unstable contributors to global sea level rise. Uncertainty in the amount and spatial pattern of geothermal flux and melting beneath this glacier is a major limitation in predicting its future behavior and sea level contribution. In this paper, a combination of radar sounding and subglacial water routing is used to show that large areas at the base of Thwaites Glacier are actively melting in response to geothermal flux consistent with rift-associated magma migration and volcanism. This supports the hypothesis that heterogeneous geothermal flux and local magmatic processes could be critical factors in determining the future behavior of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. _________________________________ Two other recent papers with different perspectives: f-west-antarctic-ice-sheet-unstoppable.html --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .